Our folders: Jessica Cannaday

Science of Learning Concepts for Teachers (Project Illuminated)

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Science of Learning Concepts for Teachers (Project Illuminated) introduces teachers to key concepts from the Science of Learning (i.e. cognitive neuroscience).The digital booklet is the result of a European project and its content has been compiled from continuing professional development workshops for teachers. It primarily serves to provide an extensive list of references for those looking to deepen their knowledge about the science underlying how we learn.The digital booklet is available in English, Spanish, Finish, Greek, and Portuguese. It is openly licensed as we hope the content will be reused and hope to update the writing and content over time. 

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Hannu Markkanen, Marc Beardsley

Washington State Social Emotional Learning Implementation Guide

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This Implementation Guide is designed to be used with other documents that make up Washingtons SEl Resource Package and by anyone who works with children and youth and is concerned with their social emotional well-being. It includes perspectives for school leaders, educators, youth serving organizations, and parents/families and provides overarching concepts that are centered around the principles that are foundational for the development of SEL in Washington State: Equity, Cultural Responsiveness, Universal Design and Trauma- Informed Practices.

Material Type: Assessment

Author: Morgan Anderson

Inclusive Educational Practices-Creation of a Lesson Plan

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This module is part of a course on Inclusive Educational Practices that offers professional development for educators who aspire to provide a supportive learning environment for dyslexic and with learning difficulties learners.Students have different needs, interests, and abilities. In order to effectively teach them and provide them with rich learning experiences, lesson plans need to be as diverse as they are. This module aims to help educators analyze different learning styles and accordingly build  their lesson plans as to embrace and support not only the needs of specific learners but provide quality education for all students. To this end, tools, articles, guidelines, videos, and examples are provided. Planning a lesson for an inclusive classroom entails less modifications for future use in a different learning context, facilitates a substitute to take over the class, and ensures learning for every child."It is not the disabilities of the students that prevent the implementation of a long effective instructional model, but the environment that is disabling"                               Katz, 2015 

Material Type: Module

Author: Chrysoula Lazou

Foundations of Gifted Education

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This resource provided information about Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory. this theory provides insights into the eight different levels of giftedness that students could possess and provides an explanation of each level. Additionally, there is information from the National Association for Gifted Children and a video introduction from Howard Gardner about his multiple intelligence theory.

Material Type: Module

Authors: Shauna Mayo, Faye Bradley, John Blackwell

Writing Lesson Plans

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This module will assist the pre-service teacher in writing lesson plans using the Direct Instruction method. The module is designed for Early Childhood Education, but it can easily be adapted to secondary education majors. Each section of the lesson plan is detailed and, along with his/her classroom, the instructor is encouraged to develop a group lesson plan. As each section of the lesson plan is taught, the class will add that part to the group plan. A blank template is included in the first section. 

Material Type: Module

Author: Jeanne Burth

Primary Source Instructional Design Toolkit

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This toolkit was developed as part of the Primary Source Project. In creating the toolkit, ISKME collaborated with 12 educators from 8 different states, who possessed varied subject area expertise. The toolkit is a sequenced pathway for selecting informational and non-fiction literary texts, and creating integrated wraparound lessons that meet the Common Core State Standards, as well as the C3 Social Studies Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Megan Simmons, Cynthia Jimes, Michelle Brennan

Instructional Design for Teacher Educators

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This guide, "Instructional Design for Teacher Educators" is intended for participants in BranchED's OER Summer Institute. This is a resource to supplement the design component of the Institute. This resource may also be used as a train-the-trainer guide.The intended audience for this OER is teacher education faculty who are designing instructional materials for their own university or college classes.For questions or comments about this resource, please contact aevans@educatordiversity.orgResources used and adapted:"The ADDIE Model" by Pamela J. Morgan. CC-BY-NC-SA (https://pamelajmorgan.org/2011/07/20/instructional-design-theory-for-los-addie/)ADDIE Model Image: CC-BY-SA https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ADDIE_MODEL_INSTRUKSIONAL.jpgBranchED Template: https://www.oercommons.org/courseware/lesson/76459/overviewCCCOER Types: https://www.cccoer.org/learn/find-oerCeL. "OER Design". OER Commons. Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education, 29 Sep. 2016. Web. 12 May 2021. https://www.oercommons.org/authoring/16434-oer-design Fosslien, Liz. "Productivity and Time." fosslien.com."How to use the OER Commons LTI Tool." https://www.oercommons.org/authoring/13917-how-to-use-the-oer-commons-lti-tool/view

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Aubree Evans

Hot Problem Solving

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Student teams follow the steps of the engineering design process to meet the challenge of getting their entire class from one location on the playground to the sidewalk without touching the ground between. The class develops a well thought-out plan while following the steps of the engineering design process. Then, they test their solution by going outside and trying it out. Through the post-activity assessment, they compare their problem-solving experience to real life engineering challenges, such as creating new forms of transportation or new product invention.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Denise W. Carlson, Jackie Sullivan, Malinda Schaefer Zarske, Megan Podlogar

Reading Comprehension Student Template: Question-Answer Relationship

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This template is an instructional tool that can be used to guide elementary students (grades 2-5) through the reading strategy of questioning. The template is based on the Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) approach in which students classify questions according to type and then provide answers from text. The template was designed to be used with the Feature Story, The Dance of Life, by students in grades 2-5. It is a PDF document that can be copied and distributed to students.

Material Type: Student Guide

Author: Jessica Fries-Gaither