All resources in BranchED 2021 OER Summer Institute

George Floyd Memorial Racial Bias Teach-In

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The resource is a learning module that contains a three-part curriculum about the social psychology of racial bias and biased policing. It includes several TEDx lecture videos, textbook and primary source article readings, journals and written assignments for reflection, and resources for acting for social justice. It can generate a certificate of completion after the parts are marked as reviewed and reflection papers submitted. It is currently available in Blackboard and Canvas LMS versions. We are working on a Google Docs version. If you would like to import it and adapt it for another LMS, and want to contribute to this project, please let me know and we'll get you added to the project. It was inspired by my university releasing the university from work in honor of the George Floyd memorials. I created it as an extra credit opportunity, but could be integrated in the psychology curriculum when teaching about stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. Dana C. Leighton, PhD Assistant Professor of Psychology, Texas A&M University—Texarkana Director, Peace and Justice Psychology Lab 903-334-6627 • home: • blog: preferred pronouns: he, him, his

Material Type: Module

Authors: Dana C. Leighton, Jon Grahe, Kristin Flora, Raechel Soicher

Module 1 - Diverse Environments for Learners

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Context for instructors Ed 446D is a required course for teacher candidates who are completing the teacher preparation program at my institution Ed 446 D introduces the multicultural perspective and prepares teachers with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to work with a diverse group of learners. This is a required course for education majors. Teacher candidates will be evaluated on their engagement with assignments that give them the opportunity to demonstrate the aptitudes of culturally responsive educators. A certain level of pedagogical clarity will develop as teacher candidates learn how to take up critical education in order highlight opportunities for typically marginalized student populations. The content of this course requires teacher candidates to explore their positionality in relation to others’, address personal biases that may affect their teaching, and begin building cultural competencies. Teacher candidates will be expected to participate in classroom discourse that is reflective of and respectful toward diverse perspectives.

Material Type: Module, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Yuliana Kenfield


Teaching Infographics as Multiliteracy Arguments

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From "The Spectrum of Apple Flavors" to "We are all Zebras: How Rare Disease is Shaping the Future of Healthcare," we find colorful visual displays of infGrotewold, K. (2020, August). Framework for analysis of visual information. In Assessing Visual Materials for Diversity & Inclusivity. Licensed as CC BY-NC-SA   

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Aubree Evans


Evidence-based Inclusive Instructional Strategies for Supporting Students with High-incidence Disabilities

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This product was developed with preservice teacher needs in mind. Preservice teachers are often nervous about working with students with disabilities. The resources shared here are ideas that can be generalized to multiple classroom settings, for all different ages.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Homework/Assignment, Reading

Author: Jean Ann Joest

Science of Learning Concepts for Teachers (Project Illuminated)

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Science of Learning Concepts for Teachers (Project Illuminated) introduces teachers to key concepts from the Science of Learning (i.e. cognitive neuroscience).The digital booklet is the result of a European project and its content has been compiled from continuing professional development workshops for teachers. It primarily serves to provide an extensive list of references for those looking to deepen their knowledge about the science underlying how we learn.The digital booklet is available in English, Spanish, Finish, Greek, and Portuguese. It is openly licensed as we hope the content will be reused and hope to update the writing and content over time. 

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Hannu Markkanen, Marc Beardsley

Washington State Social Emotional Learning Implementation Guide

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This Implementation Guide is designed to be used with other documents that make up Washingtons SEl Resource Package and by anyone who works with children and youth and is concerned with their social emotional well-being. It includes perspectives for school leaders, educators, youth serving organizations, and parents/families and provides overarching concepts that are centered around the principles that are foundational for the development of SEL in Washington State: Equity, Cultural Responsiveness, Universal Design and Trauma- Informed Practices.

Material Type: Assessment

Author: Morgan Anderson

Primary Source Instructional Design Toolkit

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This toolkit was developed as part of the Primary Source Project. In creating the toolkit, ISKME collaborated with 12 educators from 8 different states, who possessed varied subject area expertise. The toolkit is a sequenced pathway for selecting informational and non-fiction literary texts, and creating integrated wraparound lessons that meet the Common Core State Standards, as well as the C3 Social Studies Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Megan Simmons, Cynthia Jimes, Michelle Brennan

Hot Problem Solving

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Student teams follow the steps of the engineering design process to meet the challenge of getting their entire class from one location on the playground to the sidewalk without touching the ground between. The class develops a well thought-out plan while following the steps of the engineering design process. Then, they test their solution by going outside and trying it out. Through the post-activity assessment, they compare their problem-solving experience to real life engineering challenges, such as creating new forms of transportation or new product invention.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Denise W. Carlson, Jackie Sullivan, Malinda Schaefer Zarske, Megan Podlogar