Day 1: Dongho Kim Framework Lesson

by Aubree Evans 3 years, 5 months ago

To learn about Dongho Kim's Framework for Implementing OER-Based Lesson Design Activities for Pre-Service Teachers the following resources are available:

  1. The article can be accessed here:
  2. An OER about the the article can be accessed here:
  3. A video of me giving an overview Dongho Kim's (2018) framework can be viewed below (transcript):
Overview of Dongho Kim's Framework

If the above video doesn't play, here's another link:


Lara Ervin-Kassab 3 years, 3 months ago

This framework was not only helpful for learning about teaching OER, it provided me with a much-needed model for an article I'm currently writing! Thank you for this resource. 

Beth Garcia 3 years, 3 months ago

I found this research to be very interesting. While I would not replace the clinical experience for pre-service teachers, I would certainly begin supplementing with this framework and scaffolding this into a Methods course curriculum. Additionally, many programs have alternative certification programs. This would be excellent training before an intern began an internship as the teacher of record since they do not get the clinical experience. I liked seeing that the work was very open for use, and the previous video on creative commons helped to explain what all that meant by way of permissions.

Leah Carruth 3 years, 3 months ago

I do like this framework to gradually build teacher candidates ability to create and evaluate lessons they build.  This can be implemented in our upper level courses and perhaps over the course of several courses since we are going through an entire curriculum redesign over the next year or so.