Day 2: Authoring & Remixing

by Aubree Evans 3 years, 7 months ago

The purpose of this session is for you to learn how the OER Commons authoring and remixing tools work so that when we begin the next session on design, you can being to visualize how you will design your OER.

Step 1: Please watch the 5-minute video on authoring and remixing here: . That link will take you to the main OER Commons page. Scroll down until you see the video titled "Introducing Open Author," and then watch the video.

Step 2:Follow the instructions in the video to try out the author tool. (You'll need to be logged in to use the author and remix tools.)

Step 3: Remix the BranchED template. Select the Remix button, make at least one change (i.e. add a section, add words or an image to a section etc) , and then publish it.

Step 4: Remix one of the OERs you found for homework last night. Select the Remix button, make at least one change (i.e. add a section, add words or an image to a section etc), and then publish it.

Step 5: Write down any questions you have for the authoring & remixing Q&A session next.