Design tables due Tuesday, June 15

by Aubree Evans 3 years, 4 months ago


Reply to this post and create a table for each unit in your OER that maps your existing resources to each unit objective. You need at least 3 units. It is up to you how many objectives each unit has.

Then list all of the existing content (either that you have created for your past classes or that you have found in other OER) that you have for each objective in each unit. After listing all content, make a note of where you need content. Keep in mind that you will need content, assignments, and assessments (see the BranchED template for more information).

Unit 1

Objective 1Objective 2
  • List all existing resources here (including content you created and other OER that you have curated)
  • Identify gaps in content (this is what you'll need to design)
  • List all existing resources here (including content you created and other OER that you have curated)
  • Identify gaps in content (this is what you'll need to design)


Unit 2

Objective 1Objective 2Objective 3
  • List all existing resources here (including content you created and other OER that you have curated)
  • Identify gaps in content (this is what you'll need to design)
  • List all existing resources here (including content you created and other OER that you have curated)
  • Identify gaps in content (this is what you'll need to design)
  • List all existing resources here (including content you created and other OER that you have curated)
  • Identify gaps in content (this is what you'll need to design)


Unit 3

Objective 1Objective 2
  • List all existing resources here (including content you created and other OER that you have curated)
  • Identify gaps in content (this is what you'll need to design)
  • List all existing resources here (including content you created and other OER that you have curated)
  • Identify gaps in content (this is what you'll need to design)


Awendela Grantham 3 years, 3 months ago

Awendela Grantham

Quantitative History



Unit 1

Objective 1

Objective 2

  • Content: PowerPoint Unit 1 (I created)
  • Activity: Group Discussion Unit 1 (I created)
  • Assignment/Assessment: Multiple Choice (I created)
  • Identify gaps:  PowerPoint, activity, and assignment need to be remixed for OER Rubric
  • Resources remixed:  AP Statistics: Describing Relationships between
  • Variables (The Candy Grab Activity)
  • Resources remixed: Family & Neighborhood History Project
  • Content: PowerPoint Unit 1 (I created)
  • Activity: Group Discussion Unit 1 (I created)
  • Assignment/Assessment: Multiple Choice (I created)
  • Identify gaps:  PowerPoint, activity, and assignment need to be remixed for OER Rubric
  • Resources remixed:  AP Statistics: Describing Relationships between
  • Variables (The Candy Grab Activity)
  • Resources remixed: Family & Neighborhood History Project


Unit 2

Objective 1

Objective 2

  • Content: PowerPoint (I created)
  • Activity: Classroom Debate Unit 2  (I created)
  • Assignment/Assessment: Multiple Choice (I created)
  • Identify gaps:  PowerPoint needs to be remixed for OER Rubric
  • Identify Gaps: Group Discussion and assignment need to be remixed for OER Rubric
  • Resources remixed:  AP Statistics: Describing Relationships between
    • Variables (The Candy Grab Activity)
  • Resources remixed: Family & Neighborhood History Project
  • Content: PowerPoint (I created)
  • Activity: Classroom Debate Unit 2 (I created)
  • Assignment/Assessment: Multiple Choice (I created)
  • Identify gaps:  PowerPoint needs to be remixed for OER Rubric
  • Identify Gaps:  Group Discussion and assignment needs to be remixed for OER Rubric
  • Identify Gaps:  Need to rewrite Objective 2
  • Resources remixed:  AP Statistics: Describing Relationships between
  • Variables (The Candy Grab Activity)
  • Resources remixed: Family & Neighborhood History Project



Unit 3

Objective 1

Objective 2

  • Content: PowerPoint (I created)
  • Activity:  Project 1 (I created)
  • Assignment/Assessment:  Presentation (Project 1) (Students create and present)
  • Identify gaps:  PowerPoint and activity needs to be remixed for OER Rubric
  • Resources remixed:  AP Statistics: Describing Relationships between
    • Variables (The Candy Grab Activity)
  • Resources remixed: Family & Neighborhood History Project
  • Identify gaps: I need a rubric for the project.
  • Content: PowerPoint (I created)
  • Activity:  Project 1 (I created)
  • Assignment/Assessment:  Presentation (Project 1) (Students create and present)
  • Identify gaps:  PowerPoint and activity needs to be remixed for OER Rubric
  • Resources remixed:  AP Statistics: Describing Relationships between
    • Variables (The Candy Grab Activity)
  • Resources remixed: Family & Neighborhood History Project
  • Identify gaps: I need a rubric for the project.
Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

These look great, Awendela! I hope this was helpful in beginning the process of designing your module.

Lourdes Viloria 3 years, 3 months ago

Unit 1    Roles and  Responsibilities

Of the

Teaching Profession


Objective 1- Maintain the dignity of the profession













Objective 2- Comply with standard practices and ethical conduct toward students, professional colleagues school officials, parents, and members of the community


Objective 3- Safeguard  academic freedom





Objective 4- Maintaining the dignity of the profession, and respect and obey the law







Objective 5- Demonstrate personal integrity, and exemplify honesty and good moral character



Objective 6-Exemplify ethical relations with colleagues, and extend just and equitable treatment to all members of the profession


Objective 7- Accept a position of public trust, which will be measured by the success and progress of each student toward realization of his or her potential as an effective citizen


Objective 8- Fulfill the responsibilities in the community; cooperate with parents and others to improve the public schools of the community




  • Read the journal article entitled

Parent–Teacher–Student Discrepancies in Academic Ability Beliefs: Influences on Parent Involvement by Nimisha Patel and Sharon Stevens














Unit 2


There are five requirements to


become a certified teacher in


Objective 1- Obtain a Bachelor’s Degree - You must earn a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.


  1. The Texas Administrative Code requires that candidates completing a Texas program must have a degree from a university that is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)
  2. U.S. Department of Education Database for Accredited Colleges and Universities (outside source)
  3. Health Science Technology and Trades & Industrial Education certifications are exempt from the Bachelor's degree requirement


Objective 2 -Complete an Educator Preparation Program –


You must complete an Approved Educator Preparation Program. If you do not hold a degree you must complete a university program. If you hold a degree you may contact an Alternative Certification Program or Post Baccalaureate program.



Objective 3 - Pass Certification Exams



Pass Certification Exams – You must pass the appropriate teacher certification exams. Contact your program for exam approval.






Objective 4 Submit a State Application


Objective 5- Complete Fingerprinting


Texas House Bill 3 Safety and Welfare of Texas Students










Unit 3


Instructional Strategies for

Diverse Learners


Objective 1-Engage in the process of learning more about the students’ families, languages, cultures, and educational backgrounds to engage them in class and prepare and deliver lessons more effectively.




Objective 2- Create a classroom culture so students feel comfortable by making deliberate and culturally inclusive decisions regarding the physical environment, the materials, and the social integration of students to promote language learning.




Objective 3- Promote language learning and help students develop learning strategies and critical thinking skills by planning meaningful lessons that evolve from the learning objectives.









Objective 4- Continually assess students as they teach by observing and reflecting on learners’ responses to determine whether the students are reaching the learning objectives.




Objective 5- Acknowledge that language learners learn at different rates, by regularly monitoring and assessing their language development in order to advance their learning efficiently.



Objective 6- Collaborate with others in the profession to provide the best support for their learners with respect to programming, instruction, and advocacy.



Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

Lourdes, I'm glad you were able to find so much content for your module! Your next step is to list out where your gaps in content are, and that will be where your design process will begin.

Lourdes Viloria 3 years, 3 months ago

Thanks Aubree-  the gaps that I see  are mostly in Unite because Teacher certification and the certification exams are a challenge for most of our students. The gap I hope to fill is using the BranchED transfomation model to support teacher candidates navigate this space successfully.  The thing is that we are just now beginning to launch the transformation model.


RASHAD ANDERSON 3 years, 3 months ago

Unit 1: 


Objective 1 


  • A literature review of these contemporary issues (I created) 
  • Assessment: A Kahoot Quiz needs to be made 


Objective 2 

  • 5 OER Resources needs to be identified 
  • Activity: Discussion Questions needs to be made 



Unit 2: 

Objective 1 

  • A power point has been created 
  • Assessment: A Kahoot Quiz needs to be made 


Objective 2 

  • Activity: Discussion Questions needs to be made 
  • Additional OER Resources needs to be identified 


Objective 3 

  • Video Lecture needs to be recorded 
  • Activity: Reflective Essay Rubric needs to be made 


Unit 3: 

Objective 1 

  • Assessment: Discussion Questions (I created) 


Objective 2 

  • Activity: Project Based Rubric needs to be made 


Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

This looks like a good plan, Rashad. Reach out if you need any help searching for OER resources for some of the gap areas.

Devin Beasley 3 years, 3 months ago

Unit 1

Objective #1

Discuss and recognize the importance of instructional diversity, equity, and inclusion in the K-12 classroom.


  • Recorded Lecture (video)
  • TED Talk - Unveiling your unconscious bias to build/shape a better future


  • Discussion (via Blackboard)
  • Google Jamboard – post what DEI means
  • Implicit Association Tests (IAT). Gender-Career and Race -


  • Reflection Paper on IAT outcomes
  • Define and discuss what biases, stereotypes and prejudices are.


Al Lamki, K. (2017, November). Unveiling your unconscious bias to build/shape a better future [Video]. TED Conferences.

Baron, A., & Banaji, M. (2010). Implicit association test (iat). In J. M. Levine, & M. A. Hogg (Eds.), Encyclopedia of group processes & intergroup relations (pp. 433-435). SAGE Publications, Inc.

Objective #2

Discuss cultural backgrounds and the connection between racial trauma (experienced by students of color) and student learning.


  • Recorded Lecture (video)
  • TED Talk - Implicit Bias, Stereotype Threat and Higher Education


  • Discussion – defining racial trauma, identify the effects and determine what educators can do


  • Develop a chart – listing types of racial trauma, how it affects children, and recommendation for educators to support children


National Child Traumatic Stress Network, Justice Consortium, Schools Committee, and Culture Consortium. (2017). Addressing Race and Trauma in the Classroom: A Resource for Educators. Los Angeles, CA, and Durham, NC: National Center for Child Traumatic Stress.

McClain, R. (2018, November). Implicit bias, stereotype threat and higher education [Video]. TED Conferences.

Objective #3

Complete and interpret through discussion, the results of 2 Implicit Association Tests (IAT). The Gender-Career IAT and the Race IAT.


  • Recorded Lecture (video)


  • Image – Students search for an image, meme or graphic representation that summarizes their IAT results.
  • Discussion – students share their images and discuss their IAT results.


  • Related to the activity, students provide the image they located and provide a summary explaining how it represents their IAT results.


Need to include resources. Few found on OER.

Unit 2

Objective #1

Investigate various ways teachers demonstrate biases, stereotypes and prejudices in a K-12 classroom.


  • Recorded Lecture (video)


  • Article Search – students search for an article that addresses the needs of students of color, racial trauma, and/or bias in the classroom.


  • Reflection paper/summary of article students located.


Need to include resources. Few found on OER.

Objective #2

Discuss how teacher biases stereotypes and prejudices may affect the learning and/or social and emotional growth of students of color in the classroom.


  • Recorded Lecture (video)


  • Discussion - How does racial stress, trauma, and biases affect students of color.


  • Need to add assignments - module still in development


Anderson, R.E., Saleem, F.T., and Huguley, J.P. (2019, Oct. 28). Choosing to see the racial stress that afflicts our Black students. Phi Delta Kappan, 101 (3), 20-25.

Objective #3

Investigate cultural learning differences in students of color, and culturally responsive teaching.


  • Recorded Lecture (video)


  • Discussion – What is culturally responsive teaching?


  • Need to add assignments - module still in development


Culturally Responsive Teaching

Unit 3

Objective #1

Create a list of practical ideas or strategies teachers can use to incorporate and demonstrate diversity in the classroom.


  • Recorded Lecture (video)


  • Group Activity – work with a group to develop a list of various classroom biases


  • Need to add assignments - module still in development


Need to include resources. Few found on OER

Objective #2

Demonstrate a cultural sensitivity to students of color within lesson plans and instruction.


  • Needs developing


  • Discussion (via Blackboard)


  • Need to add assignments - module still in development


Need to include resources. Few found on OER.

Objective #3

Demonstrate an ability to employ a mindfulness of cultural experiences and differences, and recognize how different instructional approaches can harm or support student learning.


  • Needs developing


  • Discussion (via Blackboard)


  • Need to add assignments - module still in development


Need to include resources. Few found on OER.


Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

This looks like it's going to be a fantastic module, Devin! The content and activities look interesting and relevant. I can't wait to see your lecture videos. 

I can't remember if we dialogued about this already or not, but I looked into the copyright for Harvard's Implicit Bias test and, I think as long as you include the title of the site when you link to it, and then make sure it links externally (just not embedded in any way), it will be fine. But you probably knew that already. :)

Beth Garcia 3 years, 3 months ago

Unit 1—Linguistic Analysis 

Objective 1:   

Students will be able to analyze the linguistic competence of second language learners in the four language domains listening, speaking, reading and writing using an evaluation rubric. 

Objective 2:   

Students will use the results of a linguistic analysis to plan activities to support second language learners’ growth in all four domains of language. 



Garcia-Video breakdown of PLD chart and language analysis 

Practice with Rating Listening 

Practice with Rating Speaking 

Practice with Rating Writing 


Rating Writing Example 

Linguistic Analysis Activity 

Plan Application-based activity to increase writing competence  


Need to create video lecture breakdown 

Need example videos of ELLs to practice rating 




Unit 2—Sheltered Instruction Methodology  

Objective 1:  

Students will understand how comprehensible input supports culturally and linguistically diverse students’ understanding of the content taught in a lesson. 

Objective 2:  

Students will be able to identify the 8 Components and 30 features of the SIOP Model. 

Objective 3:  

Students will develop an activity utilizing comprehensible input and at least 6 sheltered instruction supports to enhance culturally and linguistically diverse students’ understanding during instruction using non-verbal cues. 


Krashen-Comprehensible Input Video 

Activity: Canterbury Tales Prologue 



Garcia-Video: Like a Stone example Lesson   


Garcia Lecture 

Garcia PPT 


Activity Instructions 

Exemplar Activity 


Record lecture and edit PPT 

Record Video Lesson Example 


Need Assessment  


Need to create activity  



Unit 3—Differentiation and Multiple Intelligences 

Objective 1:  

Students will identify the various forms of intelligence and how these may impact student learning. 

Objective 2:  

Students will design differentiated activities using comprehensible input to support students in meeting grade level learning objectives. 


Multiple Intelligences Assessment 

Garcia-Lecture on Multiple Intelligences 

Notes-Multiple Intelligences  


Garcia-Lecture on Differentiated Instruction 

Notes-Differentiated Instruction  

OER Unit on Differentiated Instuction 


Need to create and record lecture and notes 


Need to create lecture and record on differentiated instruction  

Need Assessment/Activity  

Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

Beth, this is such a great balance of different types of resources and materials. This is going to be a great module!

Amber Bechard 3 years, 3 months ago

Reading Tug o’War Design Tables

Amber Bechard

  • This is an evolving document, I have many more materials and links to find
  • I analyzed my early literacy methods course and found gaps in missing content. We need to address content on the Reading Wars and on critical literacy. In this unit I will present these contentious issues in reading instruction. Teacher candidates will explore the issues, develop a position statement, and design a lesson that integrates aspects of all three reading instruction lenses.
  • I have scoured OER Commons for existing content and do find gaps. I will be more specific about this once I finish the discovery section of this part of the module.


Unit 1 Reading Tug o’War

Objective 1

Objective 2

Analyze the issues in the historical “Reading Wars” including balanced literacy and the Science of Reading, as well as analyze issues in critical literacy.

Develop a “one pager” that shows an analysis of the readings and indicates your position statement on the effective and equitable teaching of reading.


Critical Literacy


Balanced Literacy


Structured Literacy/Science of Reading



Bonus-Consider These Opinions


What is Critical Literacy in Education? By Dr. Ian O’Byrne


Four things you need to know about the new reading wars. 3/30/2020


Challenging Eurocentric Perspectives and Practices in Literacy Education


Disrupting Instructional Paradigms by Embracing Culturally Responsive Pedagogy


The Warm Demander Chart





1 pager rubric-created by me


1 pager sample- created by me



GAPS: specific articles on each of the three reading instructional lenses, especially balanced literacy. I have begun adding to OER Commons, but will need to do more of this.

GAPS: This is the personal part of the module so I will be creating content here. I already have created a sample one pager using CC resources, and I have created the rubric for the one pager




Unit 2 Let the Standards Guide You

Consider the standards guiding the field of reading instruction, including CA ELA/ELD Common Core Standards and the TT Social Justice Standards.

Identify 2-3 standards to guide an integrated early literacy lesson


(provide links to a range of relevant standards)


California Common Core Standards ELA


IDA Knowledge & Practice Standards.pdf




California English Language Development Standards K-12



GAPS: There are not links to all of the standards we need to consider, so I will need to add these links in my unit.

GAPS: I will create a template for candidates to note the standards they are selecting.



Unit 3 Design and Develop an Integrated Literacy Lesson

Design a unit that integrates a full range of literacy instruction approaches, including explicit structured literacy instruction, critical literacy, and experiential learning to disrupt the commonplace and engage students in multiple viewpoints.

Develop the materials to support your lesson


  • Sample lesson plans that are saved in my folder.


  • Lesson plan template

GAPS: There are several available lesson plans that highlight the types of instruction in this module. I have also added content to OER Commons here, and will likely add more.

GAPS: This is where each user of the module would put in their own lesson plan template. I will use the existing lesson plan template for my university. This will be a remix section for other users.



Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

This is off to a great start, Amber! I know you're focused on building content right now, but later when you're working on the balancing multimodality in your module, I think that warm demander chart could be easily turned into a great infographic! Let's put a pin in that--I'd be happy to help with that if you're interested when the time comes.

Amber Bechard 3 years, 3 months ago

agree! I would welcome the guidance in remixing the Warm Demander into an infographic. Next week'ssession?

Rickey Harrell 3 years, 3 months ago

Aubree,  here's a draft of my Design Table.  as I reviewed it, I felt that a good closing assignment should be something that ties the whole thing together, i.e. a lesson plan based on  research-based effective teaching strategies.


Using Student Assets to Provide Engaging and Equitable Instruction

Unit One

Explore the purpose of integrating cultural and linguistic practices, social and emotional learning, cognitive science, and trauma-informed care to teaching and learning.

Objective 1

Teachers understand the unique qualities of students with exceptional needs, including disabilities and giftedness, and know how to effectively address these needs through instructional strategies and resources.

Objective 2

Teachers understand the role of language and culture in learning and know how to modify their practices to support language acquisition so that language is comprehensible, and instruction is fully accessible.

  • Intro: Review impact of pandemic and its exposure of racial injustice and problems with diversity and equity and inclusion in education.
  • Powerpoint (create)
  • Activity: Resource remixed: Tailored Writing-Social Class and Law, Tailored writing Instructions
  • Resource remixed: *Learning to see the resources students Bring to Sense Making
  • Assignment: Context For Learning:
  • Assignment: Resource remixed: The Big Questions, Analyzing the Umuofia Society
  • May possibly combine Objectives 1 and 2


Unit Two

 Learn Methods to gather student data that demonstrates knowledge of students and student learning assets

Objective 1

Teachers acquire, analyze, and use background information (familial, cultural, educational, linguistic, and developmental characteristics) to engage students in learning AND connect learning, content, and expectations to students' prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests in meaningful contexts.

  • Powerpoint (I create)
  • Resource remixed: Using ICT-based Diagnostic Assessment Tools
  • Activity: Resources remixed Discover your Learning Style
  • Resource remixed: *Data Collection and Interpretation Rubric
  • Assignment: Student Profiles

Unit Three

 Learn instructional strategies based on knowledge of student assets that enrich teaching and engages all students

Objective 1

Teachers use a range of instructional strategies, appropriate to the content area, to make subject matter accessible to all students.

Objective 2

Teachers integrate the use of oral, written, graphic, kinesthetic, and/or tactile methods to teach key concepts.


  • Resource: Powerpoint Review of Lesson Plan Components (create)
  • Resource: remixed: effective Teaching
  • Model Resource remixed 6-Word Memoir
  • Model Resource remixed: The Hero’s Journey: Is there a Hero In Me?
  • Model Resources remixed: Hometown Map OER
  • Model Resource remixed” writing about your assets.
  • Assignment: Lesson Plan that addresses Student Assets


Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

This looks great, Rickey! You have a really nice balance of resources types. It also looks like you have a manageable balance of existing and new resources. And I like your closing assignment that ties it all together.

Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

Maria, I love that you used the XX to show gap, and you even listed the key words you use. I'm going to share this idea with others because this is so important in finding resources. 

It looks like you've found a good amount of resources and the amount you need to design looks manageble.

Also, I LOVE the mini-book assessment!!!

Maria Gross 3 years, 3 months ago

I appreciate your feedback, Aubree. I use the XX because it is easy to search for missing items :)

The mini-book was an assignment we completed in my EdD of my favorites! All the information in one place (plus shows the Teacher Candidates a useful assignment for all grade levels).

Happy Wednesday, Maria

Anita Flemington 3 years, 3 months ago

Unit 1

Bilingualism and the various types of and research on bilingualism

Objective # 1

Objective # 2

Objective # 3

The candidates will be able to identify, discuss, analyze types of bilingualism and some of the research on bilingualism.


Google slides on research on bilingualism and types of bilingualism

(need to create)


Article –

Cummins theory


Jonathan Rosa – Receptive bilingualism


Activity –




(need to create)





Unit 2

Issues surrounding bilingualism,  past and present


Objective # 1

Objective # 2

Objective # 3

Candidates will be able to identify, discuss, analyze issues of bilingualism including bilingual education and English Only initiatives in the U. S.



Google slides -

(need to create)


Article - Educating Language Minority Students and Affirming Their Equal Rights: Research and Practical Perspectives by Kenji Hakuta


Breakout groups -

Activity –





Unit 3

Solutions to issues around bilingualism and bilingual education

Objective # 1

Objective # 2

Objective # 3

Candidates will be able to discuss, analyze and evaluate some current suggested solutions to the issues presented in module 1 and 2.


Google slides on types of solutions including Dual Language Immersion classes

(need to create)


Activity -


Article -





Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

Anita, it looks like you've got a great start here. I look forward to watching this evolve. 

Tiffany Pogue 3 years, 3 months ago

Unit One

Objective 1

Objective 2

Resources on hand:





  • Generate summary presentation
  • Generate resource list

Resources on hand:






  • I will need to create a commentary that ties these readings together and draws out main points



Unit Two

Objective 1

Objective 2

Resources on hand:





  • I will create a template corresponding with the characteristics of PoH to be used to generate lesson plan ideas

Resources on hand:

Include excerpts from




  • Create a reading/video to discuss SEL



Unit Three

Objective 1

Objective 2

Resources on hand:

  • Use SCALE Critical Reflection Activity and Video



  • Create video explaining my own critical reflection activity

Resources on hand:



Gap: Create video explaining reflection prompts that I’ll also generate


Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

Tiffany, it looks like you were able to find some resources. I'm really glad. Second, I love the idea of your commentary about the readings. This is going to be great! I saw that you mentioned a video of you talking about SEL. I know that your focus for this module might be different, but we do have the recording of the SEL session you did for us this spring. I can send you the link if you want to edit any parts of that out to use here.

Also, a PoH template is AMAZING!!!

Robin Dodds 3 years, 3 months ago

Robin Dodds 6/15/2021


Course Objectives in alignment with CA ECSE TPEs:


Unit One: Understanding the Impact of a Child's Disability on the Family Unit


1.8  Understand the unique care, development, and learning needs of infants and toddlers and how to support their growth, development, and learning within the early childhood special education setting.


4.5 Identify​ ​each​ ​child's​ ​strengths, ​ ​preferences, ​ ​and​ ​interests​ ​in​ ​collaboration​ ​with families​ ​to​ ​engage​ ​the​ ​child​ ​in​ ​active​ ​learning​ ​within​ ​and​ ​across​ ​routines, activities, ​ ​and​ ​environments.


Unit Two: Cultural Awareness and Developing Partnerships with Families


1.5 Communicate effectively and in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner with families and other service providers to facilitate and strengthen ongoing partnerships and collaborations that can support young children’s learning goals and outcomes.


2.2 Promote children’s access, learning and participation in a variety of environments using models of support​ ​that​ ​are​ ​strengths-​ ​based, ​​family-centered, ​ ​and​ ​culturally and linguistically​ ​responsive.


6.7 Effectively​ ​articulate​ ​the​ ​rationale​ ​for​ ​instruction​ ​and​ ​intervention​ ​plans​ ​through culturally- and linguistically-appropriate verbal​ ​and​ ​written​ ​communications​ ​to and with​ ​family​ ​members, ​ ​other​ ​service​ ​providers, administration, ​ ​and​ ​other​ ​stakeholders. 


Unit Three: Family-Professional Partnership for a Positive Preschool Transition


1.11 Facilitate​ ​the​ ​continuation of young children’s learning progress​ ​​ ​across​ ​multiple​ ​contexts​ ​and​ ​transitions including a variety of​ ​environments​ ​e.g., (home, ​ ​school, ​ ​community,​ ​hospital),​ ​and​ ​people​ ​(e.g., peers, service​ ​providers,​ ​family,​ ​community).


5.6 Use​ ​ongoing​ ​assessment​ ​data​ ​from​ ​a​ ​variety​ ​of​ ​sources​ ​and​ ​settings​ ​(e.g., information​ ​from​ ​children's'​ ​families/caregivers)​ ​to establish​ ​meaningful,​ ​individualized​ ​learning​ ​goals​ ​and​ ​intervention​ ​activities. 


6.2 Develop​ ​and​ ​implement​ ​policies, ​ ​structures, ​ ​and​ ​practices​ ​that​ ​promote​ ​shared decision​ ​making​ ​with​ ​other​ ​service​ ​providers​ ​and​ ​families.


6.4 Develop​ ​and​ ​implement​ ​effective​ ​transitional​ ​plans​ ​to​ ​support​ ​the​ ​ongoing learning​ ​and​ ​development​ ​of​ ​children​ ​entering​ ​different​ ​learning​ ​settings​ ​ (e.g., home-based​ ​services​ ​to​ ​preschool,​ ​preschool​ ​to​ ​kindergarten).


6.5 Promote​ ​efficient​ ​and​ ​coordinated​ ​service​ ​delivery​ ​for​ ​children​ ​and​ ​families​ ​by creating and supporting​ ​the​ ​conditions​ ​for​ ​service​ ​providers​ ​from​ ​multiple​ ​disciplines​ ​and​ ​the family​ ​to​ ​work​ ​together​ ​as​ ​a​ ​team. 


6.8 Facilitate​ ​effective collaborative​ ​transitions between​ ​the​ ​stages of schooling and educational settings​ ​(e.g.,​ ​infant/toddler​ ​to​ ​preschool,​ ​preschool​ ​to kindergarten,​ ​kindergarten​ ​to​ ​elementary). 


Unit 1

Objective 1.8

Objective 4.5

  • Welcome to Holland poem discussion board
  • Family Systems Theory week 4 PowerPoint
  • Lee, Y.H. The paradox of early intervention: families’ participation driven by professionals throughout service process. ICEP 9, 4 (2015).
  • Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education-CA Community Colleges
  • Develop a parent interview protocol for new students of child strengths/needs child motivators and parent priorities and preferences


Unit 2

Objective 1.5

Objective 2.2

Objective 6.7

  • California Department of Education Family Partnerships and Culture Best Practice Guide
  • Cultural Self-Awareness Discussion
  • Papoudi, D., Jørgensen, C.R., Guldberg, K. et al. Perceptions, Experiences, and Needs of Parents of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children with Autism: a Scoping Review. Rev J Autism Dev Disord 8, 195–212 (2021).
  • 7 Principles of Partnership Quick Write Activity-Responding to parent concerns
  • Supporting Children Who Are Dual Language Learners (DLLs)-handout from Early Learning Transition Resources Module
  • Can you Speak Special ED? Assessment


Unit 3

Objective 5.6

Objective 6.2 & 6.5

Objectives 1.11, 6.4, & 6.8

  • Week 9 slides part 1
  • Develop a parent interview protocol for new students and periodic assessment of child strengths/needs child motivators and parent priorities and preferences
  • Week 9 slides part2
  • Policies and Parent Partnership-Least Restrictive Environment Elevator Pitch video upload
  • IFSP vs IEP sorting quiz
  • Resource-Annotated IEP


Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

Robin, I think this is going to be a great module. You have some really great ideas here. Just be sure that if you use an article or video in your module, that it's CC licensed. I noticed that the Perceptions article and the Inclusion video are not CC. You can actually put in a Youtube filter so that it only shows CC licensed videos. The same can be done with article searches in Google. I'm happy to show you this at a check-in meeting.

Robin Dodds 3 years, 3 months ago

Shoot! I thought I had filtered correctly. I will try to make a check in for some guidance.

Robin Dodds 3 years, 3 months ago

The article has this statement aat the end. Does this mean that I can use it or link to it in my module?


Linda Woods 3 years, 3 months ago
Unit 1  

Objective 1

  • "Myths and Monsters" Video and Powerpoint (I create)

Objective 2

  • "Myths and Monsters" Video and Powerpoint (I create)

Objective 3

  • "The Power of Myth" Bill Moyers Discussions With Joseph Campbel

Unit 2

Objective 1:

  • Mythology Unbound: An Online Textbook for Classical Mythology

Objective 2

  • "The Hero's Journey: Is There a Hero in Me?" (Remixed)
  • Student activity and assessment

Objective 3

  • Student project

Objective 4

  • Videos

Objective 5

  • Activity (I create)
  • Assessment (I create)


Unit Three

Objective 1

  • "Myths and Monsters" video
  • Powerpoint (I create)

Objective 2

  • Selected readings from "Fairy Tales: A New History" by Ruth B. Bottigheimer 
  • Assessments (I create)

Objective 3

  • Activity (I create)

Objective 4

  • Reflective activity/assessment (I create) 




Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

It looks like you've got a good start here, Linda. I look forward to watching your module evolve.

Jessica Cannaday 3 years, 3 months ago

Design Table: Pedagogical Models in Practice


In class each week, students are broken into mixed specialization groups (Multiple Subject, Single Subject, Special Education) where they learn about the specific pedagogical model (through articles, videos, chapters, professor lecture and other resources - and now these new modules). They are then asked to create short, (15 minute), lessons where they USE one of the models (each class generally has enough people that we can get 5 or six groups so it is easy to assign each topic/model for the evening), to teach content of their choice, using that model.  They then do the sample lesson for the class for feedback from the class and course instructor.  They are given a "sample" class to plan for, as well as case study students who they must differentiate for.  This is done specifically for the following reasons: The course focuses on CA TPEs (Teacher Performance Expectations) 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.8 - which emphasize that all students can learn) in order to practice incorporating UDL (Universal Design for Learning), as well as differentiation - based on specific k-12 student needs.  Certain weeks they have students with specific individualized needs.  Each week, our teacher candidates learn how to differentiate for different types of student differences and needs in their mini-lesson designs.  Likewise, the course also emphasizes twice exceptionality. (For instance, one week the course has a gifted learner as the case study student, it notes that the learner also has dyslexia and qualifies for other services and as such there is intersectionality there.  Likewise, the course itself (because we are a Christian University and incorporate Faith Integration into each of our classes) has a faith integration assignment each week... so the Faith assignment is connected specifically to Diversity and culturally responsive pedagogy is the specific pedagogical model emphasized from that perspective. The course covers diversity from a different lens each week as result... gender, ethnicity, LGBTQ+, Socio-Economic Status, Ability Levels, Achievement gaps, etc...) They receive points for this module as follows: 1 point for demonstrating/using the weekly Pedagogical model correctly. 1 point for providing UDL/differentiation for the sample class/case study students well. 1 point for clearly teaching/conveying the content they chose.    This process occurs each week with different pedagogical models until the end of the course and so by the end of the course the number of pedagogical models taught will have grown exponentially and the candidates tool boxes will have been filled fairly significantly.  This course emphasizes planning and specifically Teacher Performance Expectations 4 (Planning instruction) and Teacher Performance Expectation 1 (All Students Can Learn).


Unit 1 Title: Exploratory Pedagogical Models


  • Candidates will explore and use exploratory pedagogical models (Inquiry, discovery learning, 5E method, WebQuest, problem-based learning) methods and strategies in designing instruction. This will be measured through weekly pedagogical model presentations in class, and through weekly course unit design activities.


  • Candidates will use appropriate technology and internet sources to facilitate and enhance instruction as measured through the design and implementation of a flipped modality classroom lesson plan. Candidates will incorporate accessibility options within resources used in their flipped lesson in order to meet the needs of all students accessing the materials.










Unit 2:  Questioning Pedagogical Models


  • Candidates will explore and use questioning pedagogical models - (QAR, Socratic seminar, fish bowl, and open-ended questioning) methods and strategies in designing instruction. This will be measured through weekly pedagogical model presentations in class, and through weekly course unit design activities.


Unit 3: Peer Interaction Pedagogical Models


  • Candidates will explore and use peer interaction models - (cooperative and collaborative learning, Kagan strategies, etc...) methods and strategies in designing instruction. This will be measured through weekly pedagogical model presentations in class, and through weekly course unit design activities.


Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

Jessica, I'm glad to see that you found so many resources in OER commons! It looks like your next step will be putting all of these together. If you have any questions about how to do this, I'm happy to discuss in a weekly check-in meeting.

Leah Carruth 3 years, 3 months ago

I am still looking for other resources because many of the items I use in class, I cannot use here in the same way.  I will certainly be creating items as well.  Looking forward to learning more about making infographics in one of our upcoming check-ins.  


Unit 1 



Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3


PP Presentation (mine)

I will create an interactive activity that will double as an assessment. 

Video lecture (mine)

I will locate an article to use here. 

Matching game

Need to develop short assessment here. 

Variety of literacy activities (explained with pictures and text)

Two remixed OER resources. 

Analyze activities for assessment to show understanding of what the terms mean. 



Unit 2 



Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3


PP and video presentation (mine) 

I will create an infographic to show the different skills.

Activity and assessment will be an interactive game.  


Variety of activities (explained with pictures and text) Some of these can be looked at from two OER resources, others I will create. 

I will have a checklist created for students to use to evaluate the activities.  

Students will locate their own resource that meets guidelines.

Explanation of components of explicit instruction. 

I will create all components here because I am asking for a specific task to be created.  

Task will be posted to a Padlet to share with others. 



Unit 3



Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

Objective 4

Refer back to first PP in unit 1.  Add in how second language acquisition happens. 

Remixed ELs information to remind students who they are focusing on. 

I will develop scenarios for students to read and apply their understanding of how language is developed for ELs. 

Remixed OER resource on dialects and languages


I will create an activity and assessment for this piece. 

Speaking and Listening Domains explained in video. 


I will create a resource for receptive vs expressive language and what these look like in the classroom setting. 


Varies activities will be analyzed to determine if they are using speaking or listening and how it can be differentiated for EL students.  

Explicit and Systematic instruction video or infographic (mine)


Students will create a minimum of three activities for EL students to use to increase their language development along with phonological awareness.  I will develop the rubric and instructions for this activity/project/final assessment. 

Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

Leah, this video is my infographics lesson if you want to take a look. I'm also happy to demo or walk through the process in a check-in.

Since you have to create or recreate a lot of your content, you may want to reduce the objectives per unit. Completely up to you--just a thought.

Carly Johnson 3 years, 3 months ago

Conducting Pedagogy & Score Study: Culturally Relevant Materials for Minority-Serving Music Educator Preparator Programs

Unit 1: Conducting Posture & Gestures

Objective 1: TSW demonstrate proper conducting stance, posture, and baton grip.

Objective 2: TSW describe how eye contact can convey expression, mood and style. 

Objective 3: TSW demonstrate common conducting patterns including simple, compound, and odd meters.

Existing Resources:  

Lecture Notes

Cell Phone Selfie Activity

Guided Reflection Questions   

Existing Resources:  

Lecture Notes

Gaze Article

Guided Reflection Questions

Existing Resources:  

Lecture Notes

Patterns Video Activity

Score Examples 

Content Gaps:  

Check lecture notes to make sure embedded links and graphics are all open source. 

Record lectures

Content Gaps:  

Check lecture notes to make sure embedded links and graphics are all open source. 

Record lectures

Content Gaps:  

Check lecture notes to make sure embedded links and graphics are all open source. 

Record lectures

Design assessment


Unit 2: Podium Presence & Showing Expression

Objective 1: TSW identify methods for showing expression through the use of various conducting gestures related to character, style, and mood.


Objective 2: TSW will communicate musical indications in the score relating to tempo, style, and articulation through the use of appropriate gestures.


Objective 3: TSW summarize and describe the conducting styles of three prominent conductors. 


Existing Resources:  

Lecture Notes

Existing Resources:  

Lecture Notes

Guided Reflection Questions  

Existing Resources:  

Lecture Notes

Conductor Videos (3)

Guided Reflection Questions  

Content Gaps:  

Check lecture notes to make sure embedded links and graphics are all open source. 

Record lectures

Design Activity

Design Assessment

Content Gaps:  

Check lecture notes to make sure embedded links and graphics are all open source. 

Record lectures

 Design Activity

Content Gaps:  

Check lecture notes to make sure embedded links and graphics are all open source. 

Record lectures


Unit 3: Score Reading & Analysis

Objective 1: TSW demonstrate score reading literacy through the translation of musical terms written in languages other than English.

Objective 2: TSW demonstrate score reading literacy through the transposition of various transposing instruments to concert pitch.

Objective 3: TSW demonstrate analytical skills by identifying the principal themes, motifs, and melodies, along with the formal structures and harmonic structures found in a score.

Existing Resources:  

Lecture Notes


Existing Resources:  

Lecture Notes

Band Arranging Activity (Sousa score)

Band Arranging Project

Existing Resources:  

Lecture Notes

Score Mapping Activity

Score Analysis Project

Content Gaps:  

Check lecture notes to make sure embedded links and graphics are all open source. 

Record lectures

Design Activity

Design Assessment

Content Gaps:  

Check lecture notes to make sure embedded links and graphics are all open source. 

Record lectures

Content Gaps:  

Check lecture notes to make sure embedded links and graphics are all open source. 

Record lectures

Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

Carly, I love all the different kinds of activities you have here like the selfie activity, videos, articles, etc. There a lot of variety here!

Craig Bartholio 3 years, 3 months ago

This is a work in progress. I do not think I am understanding this as well as I need to. I think as I develop this product I will gather a better understanding a build upon this initial framework. 

Unit 1: How culture and school environments influence students learning


Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

PPT needs to be finalized

OER Resource- Culturally responsive practices- Remix

Need to add activity

Need to add assessment


PPT needs to be finalized

Need to add activity

PPT needs to be finalized

OER Resource- Diversity and cultural competency remix

Matching exercise needs to be created



Unit 2: The intersection of neuroscience and culturally responsive teaching and how they influence the development of independent learners.

Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

PPT needs to be finalized

Activity for Brain rule- Survival


PPT needs to be created

Activity for Brain rule Exercise


PPT needs to be created

Matching exercise needs to be created





Unit 3: Supporting Dependent Learners to become Independent Learners and Understanding the role of culture in student learning.


Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

PPT needs to be developed

OER Resource- Grit Scale Remix

PPT to be developed


OER Resource- Challenges of Adolescence remix


PPT to be developed


OER Resource= Theories of learning remix


Final Assessment/ Activity needs to be created.



Megan Lyons 3 years, 3 months ago

I plan to add more resources; this is just a start.

Unit 1 Culture                                                                      Activities

Examine the role that culture plays in the lives of students and their families and discuss the influence of the experiences of a cultural group in the community and society on our cultural identity.



Complete the Culture Web Chart


Complete the Who am I essay – it addresses culture and intersectionality


Introduce The CASEL Wheel and Social Emotional Learning Competencies


Discuss the ways in which our assumptions and biases negatively impact cultural pluralism.


Lecture and Breakout Rooms


The Social Emotional Cultural Anchor Competencies Framework

Introduce practices for Developing the Lens and explore Teacher Moves from the Building Trusting Relationships Anchor Competency.


Culture Tree Activity

Students will complete a discussion question to address how they can embed more “deep cultural” practices into their classroom communities.



Identify the obstacles to creating a just and equal classroom and explore strategies for creating a classroom culture that is inclusive.



Read and discuss Chapters 1and 2 of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain










Unit 2 Race                                                                             Activities

Examine your biases in regard to race and ethnicity and reflect on how your experiences can impact the classroom culture.


Race IAT


Nationality vs. Ethnicity vs. Race

Blue Eyed Brown Eyed Experiment


 NY Times: first-encounters-with-race-and-racism-teaching-ideas-for-classroom-conversations.html


Identify patterns of immigration and immigration policy and their impact on the education of children of foreign-born families

Revisit The Social Emotional Cultural Anchor Competencies Framework

Introduce the Context Lens and the Teacher Move Identify and Interrupt Microaggressions from the Anchor Competency Responding Constructively Across Differences

Immigration Timeline Activity      Assign students to a specific Immigration Category and have them create a three to five minute podcast.  Students must respond to two peers in the discussion post.

Examples of Microaggressions


Explain how educational practices support or eliminate ethnic differences among students.


Students will watch the following videos and participate in group discussion via Breakout rooms.

Lost Boys of Sudan – part one


A Lost Boy Finds His Purpose | John Dau | TEDxRVA


Evaluate the results of continuing racial and ethnic discrimination on communities and students.


After reading the articles below students will participate in Think-Pair-Share activities.

Understanding the Impact of Micro-Aggressions

Racial Microaggressions and African American and Hispanic Students


Develop culturally responsive strategies and activities for affirming race and ethnicity in classroom.


Students will search and cite five websites that support culturally responsive practices as it relates to race and ethnicity.

Develop a list of seven culturally responsive strategies that will be implemented in your classroom.  Explain in detail (8-10 sentences) how these practices will be implemented.   

Students will add these strategies to the Google Doc entitled Culturally Responsive Strategies


                                 Unit 3                                                    Activities

Examine personal biases and assumptions of students from various socio economic levels.


            KWL Chart

Rural vs. Urban Poverty


Students will complete the My Privileges and Bias Paper using the Socio Economic Privilege Checklist

Discuss the five factors that contribute to an individual’s or family’s socioeconomic status.




The five determinants of socio economic status will be discussed (education, occupation, income wealth, power)


Students will rank each of the factors and provide a rationale.  Students will then exchange their papers with two peers.

Analyze the impact of the class of a student’s family on their school experiences.


Assessment – Students will submit answers from the module for a quiz grade

Iris Module – Socioeconomic Factors

Examine the interaction of socioeconomic status with race, ethnicity, gender, and age differences and the impact of inequality on families and children.


Students will read the article and respond to discussion prompt via written reflection, narrated power point, a six to eight minute podcast or a five to seven minute video.

Social Economic Status and Stratification

Develop culturally responsive strategies that will address the needs of students from various socio economic levels.


Students will create a Google Doc of Culturally Responsive Teaching strategies and update the list throughout the semester.





Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

Megan, you've got a LOT of work done on this already! This looks like it is really going to be a "plug-and-play" module that faculty can plug right into their classes. I really like the variety of content and application here.

I noticed that you have a video (I just checked one) that is not CC licensed. In that case you'll want to link to it rather than embed it.

Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

I can relate, Craig. I need to get my hands in something and start doing it before I'm comfortable with it, especially design and teaching related tasks. My advice is to start building your first unit. So you'll remix the BranchED template, delete the sample content, and start building in the content for your first unit. I think once you build out that first unit, you'll get in the groove for your Units 2 & 3. 

Virginia Kennedy 3 years, 3 months ago

Unit 1: Biases and inequities in assessment and identification of students with disabilities

Objective 1

Objective 2

Obj.1 Identify and give examples of disability identification bias based on cultural, language, and socioeconomic factors that can produce inaccurate and harmful results.


Existing resources: 

How does linguistic bias affect language evaluations?

Cultural bias in assessment: Can creativity assessment help?

Gaps in content: 

Examples of bias in assessment of students with disabilities based on socioeconomic factors

Design a formative classroom assessment that provides culturally and linguistically diverse response choices, e.g. writing, dictating, drawing, making a flipgrid video.  


Existing resources: 

Top 10 UDL Tips for Assessment ©

Using Formative Assessment to Help English Language Learners © ASCD 2021


Gaps in content:

How to make formative assessment choice boards for children and adolescents


Unit 2: Assets and cultural competence when designing instruction for students with disabilities

Objective 1

Objective 2

Obj.1 Define and describe intersectionality in special education, culturally responsive pedagogy, and assets and funds of knowledge when designing lessons for students with disabilities from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, e.g., students with cognitive deficits, specific learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders. 


Existing resources: 

Gaps in content:

Obj. 2 Develop a universally-designed activity for an inclusive class of elementary or secondary students.


Existing resources: 

Culturally responsive teaching and UDL


Gaps in content: creative UDL lesson format and example


Unit 3: Intersectionality, special education, and family empowerment

Objective 1

Objective 2

Obj. 1 Define and describe intersectionality in special education and identify possible systemic racism, linguicism, and ableism in school-wide structures.


Existing resources: webinar by Andratesha Fritzgerald, “Power and Empowerment: Honoring by Decision and Design.”


 Gaps in content:  succinct explanation (ppt) , pre-recorded presentation

Obj. 2  Using two languages (English and one other), design a one-page handout/doc for parents on community and professional resources, including support groups. 


Existing resources: websites offering families information about special education 


Gaps in content: bilingual examples


  • Share



Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

Virginia, I love how authentic the applications are in each unit! It looks to me like you can go ahead and start building Unit 1. Then the next step is finding and/or creating materials to fill the gaps.

Christian Bracho 3 years, 3 months ago

Week 1 Culture and the Brain

Teacher Candidates will be able to identify how different areas of the brain are linked to different aspects of the learning process.

Teacher Candidates will be able to explain how culture provides schema that can be tapped to increase student engagement and enhance comprehensions.

PPT slides from prior semesters

Learning Theories Chart

Chapter 3: Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain


Need: a chart/ activity about the different parts of the brain- can I use the Figure 3.2 from the Hammond book?

Chapter 3: Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain

Schema activity

Gap: More on culture/ schema connections


Week 2 Adolescent Learners and Culture

Teacher Candidates will be able to identify key tenets of culturally responsive pedagogies.

Teacher Candidates will be able to explain why culture is relevant to the cognitive, emotional, and social development of adolescent learners.


PPTs from prior semesters

Excerpts from Geneva Gay article

CEEDAR article on CRT- chart


Course Enhancement Module:

Alliance for Excellent Education: Science of Adolescent Learning- Valuing Culture, Experiences, and Environments-

Need: Activity on culture connections to adolescent development  



Related video:



Week 3 Cultural Lenses in UDL

Teacher Candidates will be able to describe how UDL is linked to the science of learning, with specific attention to affective, recognition, and strategic networks in the brain.

Teacher Candidates will be able to link UDL to facets of culturally responsive pedagogies, and explain why such an approach is necessary to address cultural and linguistic diversity.

PPT from prior semester

UDL Checkpoint Chart and Activity

Course Enhancement Module on UDL:

New PPT Slides

Article: Kieran, L., & Anderson, C. (2019). Connecting universal design for learning with culturally responsive teaching. Education and Urban Society, 51(9), 1202-1216. (turn into PPT slides?)

Activity: making lessons that incorporate both UDL and CRT


Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

This looks good, Christian! I can't wait to see what the schema activity looks like!

Beverly Sande 3 years, 3 months ago

Understanding Diversity Equity and Inclusion to Support CLD Learners:

Module Description:

The culturally and linguistically diverse learner is profiled in terms of disproportionate positions within our society and schools. A case is made for why intense attention is needed for this population, the points of greatest need for this population, and why certain types of instruction are more appropriate for those students with the most significant educational needs. 

Unit 1: Implementing diversity equity and inclusion practices in your classroom


Objective 1:

1.1- TCWBAT develop a general understanding of DEI

1.2- TCWBAT read and interpret the laws that protect diverse learners.

Objective 2:

1.3- TCWBAT use best practices to meet the needs of diverse learners in their classrooms.

5.1- TCWBAT list and model professional roles and responsibilities that ensure DEI.


  • Two Articles on DEI in school settings.
  • Web-based resources.



  • PowerPoint: Laws projecting diverse learners.
  • Video: DEI in a nutshell.



  • Discussion Topic- Current legal trends to accommodate diversity or ensure equity.


  • One Article on Best practices for culturally diverse classrooms
  • Web-based resources.


  • PowerPoint: Professional roles and responsibilities for all educators.




  • Discussion Topic- Individual biases
  • Writing assignment: Annotated Article summary




Unit 2: Understanding how to review, redesign and implement a DEI program/curriculum


Objective 1:

2.1- TCWBAT review current curriculum in schools for elements that meet DEI standards

2.2- TCWBAT evaluate quality, flexible, and inclusive instructional programs.

Objective 2

2.3-TCWBAT demonstrate high leverage instructional strategies designed to ensure success for all students.

2.4 TCWBAT evaluate P-12 services using a DEI lens


  • ELA-R Curriculum for an elementary school (choice can be made by content area).
  • Educators’ evaluation tools
  • Texas State Standards.
  • One Case Study


  • PowerPoint: Instructional strategies for diverse learners.



  • Discussion Topic: The role of teacher leaders


  • High Leverage Practices for SLD.
  • Web-based resources- CEEDAR Center, What works clearinghouse.
  • Texas Education Agency


  • PowerPoint: What are high leverage practices?



  • Discussion Topic: Student presentations: Identify six services provided to diverse learners at your school, school district, or state and determine their impact on student outcome.



Unit 3- Developing culturally responsive educators and leadership that ensure students' safety


Objective 1:

3.1- TCWBAT gain knowledge on how to provide effective and culturally sensitive leadership to faculty, staff, students, and parents.

3.2- TCWBAT model leadership skills that honor DEI

Objective 2:

3.3- TCWBAT embrace equity by allowing student voice in decision making

4.1- TCWBAT identify best practices that ensure inclusion and safety for all students.

4.2 TCWBAT develop protocols that ensure a safe and effective learning environment for all.


  • Two Articles on effective leadership in schools.
  • Web-based resources. Leadership Models-Servant Leadership strategies


  • PowerPoint: What are schools doing to address diverse needs?



  • Discussion Topic: Individual reflections on an article.


  • Two Articles on.
  • Web-based resources.




  • Video:




  • Major Assignment: DEI Philosophy Paper.



Aubree Evans 3 years, 3 months ago

This looks good, Beverly. I love the activity of identifying school practices.

Remember that the articles and videos should be CC licensed. If you need help searching, let me know.