OER Institute Launch Recordings

by Aubree Evans 3 years, 6 months ago

Optional Make-up session recording 6/11/21: 

Recording of June 11 Optional makeup session

Day 2 Pt 1 Recording on the opening, Evaluating, and where to find the the Author/Remix lesson is below:

OER Day 2 P. 1

The Day 2 Pt 2 Recording on Designing OER is below:

OER Institute Launch Day 2 Pt. 2

The Day 2 Pt 3 video in which I explain upcoming assignments is below:

OER Launch Day 2 Pt 3

The Day 1 Recording is here: https://zoom.us/rec/play/GEG6RT-rfxF08-IlZNQ9qs89-FSBsJDlDYucq2WiEo4SblU15uK8dA2dhZ6AFrUfG1REPshdFfyRiFsC.WWttqttgMtkUjIuO