Webinars and other professional development opportunities

by Deb Baker 4 years, 6 months ago

Hi all,  

Wanted to share this from CCCOER


When faculty start using OER, one of the most exciting opportunities that the open license affords is for faculty to customize their courses to fit the needs of their students. In this discussion, we will explore some of the theory and practice around designing engaging, accessible, and inclusive OER courses. We will discuss how using OER can enable faculty to embrace good design principles for student-centered instruction in fully online courses or face-to-face courses, augmented with online components. We’ll discuss the advantages of this approach in our current, COVID-19 world.

When: Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 12 pm PDT/3 pm EDT
Featured Speakers:

  • Scott Robison, Ph.D., Associate Director – Digital Learning and Design, Office of Academic Innovation, Portland State University
  • Ben Kohntopp, Instructional Designer – Colorado Community College Online
  • Sophia Strickfaden, eLearning Technologist – Colorado Community Colleges Online


  • Nathan Smith, OER Coordinator and Philosophy Professor, Houston Community College


Please use the following link to register for the webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information on how to join us on June 3rd.

Registration URL: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/vpQtduuoqjIsHIYG1hfPUDM7xzx5-3oJRQ


Deb Baker

Deb Baker

Library Director
603-206-8151  |  

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Manchester Community College

1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH 03102
(603) 206-8000  |  


Ask me about NoLo

Deb Baker 4 years, 5 months ago

Hi all,

Here's a link to slides from the webinar "Working Towards Antiracism and Culturally Responsive Teaching in Open Education"


All good things,


Deb Baker

Library Director
603-206-8151  |  dbaker@ccsnh.edu

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Manchester Community College

1066 Front Street, Manchester, NH 03102
(603) 206-8000  |  www.mccnh.edu


Ask me about NoLo