Outreach Communication Drafts

by Megan Simmons 2 years, 8 months ago

For Outreach Communication Planning consider the following and share your drafts by replying below:

Who is your audience?

What is your outreach communication goal?

What do you want to share? (Be sure to clearly communicate the value add for your intended audience, as well as any relevant links, images, resources, videos, etc.)

How will you share? (social media, blog, website, listservs, presentation, email, etc.)

What action do you hope others will take as a result of your outreach?

Gayathri Manikandan 2 years, 8 months ago

I can present about OER Math related resources and MyOpenMath (MOM), a free online Homework management system which can be LTI intergrated in Canvas and approved to use by DE. It will be series of few workshops for the faculty to get comfortable to use MOM.

Auidence: Math/Science Faculty

Abby Tatlilioglu 2 years, 8 months ago

Who is your audience? 

General Faculty

What is your outreach communication goal?

To bring awareness to OER, it's benefits for students, information about training, share our available resources with everyone (OER Commons)

What do you want to share? (Be sure to clearly communicate the value add for your intended audience, as well as any relevant links, images, resources, videos, etc.)

Videos from students about their experience, links to presentations/data from others regarding OER benefits (James Glappa-Grossklag's ppt), flyers

How will you share? (social media, blog, website, listservs, presentation, email, etc.)

social media: ask students to make quick videos to share, presentation to Academic Senate, and OER committee, and email.

What action do you hope others will take as a result of your outreach?

  • sign up for Train the Trainer or request more information for the Basic OER training.  
  • sign up for the OER Commons and begin using it to find and share resources