All resources in Conferences/Event Materials

Collaborative Leadership Institute

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This resource provides access to the Northern California Training Academy's 2013 Collaborative Leadership Institute Series materials, which was based on a collaborative leadership model focused on improving the lives of children and families in the child welfare system. To learn more about the Academy and conferences/courses offered, please visit

Material Type: Lecture, Reading

Author: Northern Academy

Transition Age Youth and ILP Youth Symposium

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This resource provides access to the materials related to the Transition Age Youth and ILP Youth Symposium hosted in February 2017 by the Northern California Training Academy, The symposium examined outcome data of youth in care impacted by extended foster care in California, reviewed and clarified policy updates, and explored some of the unexpected consequences of extended foster care legislation. In addition, the symposium offered counties an opportunity to share and learn from one another's strategies and programs they have developed to serve youth in care.

Material Type: Primary Source, Reading

Author: Northern Academy

Recruitment and Retention of Resource Families in Rural and Tribal Communities

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This resource provides access to the materials from the Recruitment and Retention of Resources in Rural and Tribal Communities group session hosted by the Northern California Training Academy in July of 2017. Developed in partnership between the National Center for Diligent Recruitment, the California Department of Social Services, and the Northern California Training Academy at the UC Davis Extension Center for Human Services, this two day group session provided sustainable gains including formation of new partnerships, identification of new solutions, and specific strategies toward improving recruitment and retention of resource families in rural and tribal communities.

Material Type: Reading

Author: Northern Academy

California Safety Organized Practice Conference 2018

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This page provides access to the presentations and materials offered throughout the 2018 California Safety Organized Practice Conference, which was hosted by the Northern California Training Academy at the University of California, Davis June 26-27. The statewide conference provided an opportunity for counties implementing Safety Organized Practice (SOP) to explore strategies for rigor and depth of practice across the case continuum, and to share strengths, challenges and successes around implementation and sustainability.

Material Type: Reading, Student Guide

Author: Northern Academy