Plastik i Paradis/ Plastic in Paradise
(View Complete Item Description)Part one in the series Paradise under Pressure/ Paradis under pres: Plastic bottles are impossible to avoid when travelling for vacation to southern countries. In Zanzibar, thousands of plastic bottles are sailed in from the mainland every day. They float as waste everywhere on beaches, streets, and in between bushes, trees and tall grass. In this episode, we will meet Aziza Biubwa of the State University of Zanzibar, a researcher in waste management, Justin Madho, who works for the waste company Zanrec and Sjani Müggenburg, director of Ozti East Africa - a company that has made furniture plastic screw cap. Danish: Plastikflasker er umulige at undgå, når du holder ferie i syden. På Zanzibar bliver tusindvis af plastikflasker hver dag sejlet ind fra fastlandet, men som affald flyder de overalt på strande, gader, og imellem buske, træer og højt græs. I denne episode skal vi møde Aziza Biubwa fra State University of Zanzibar, som forsker i affaldshåndtering, Justin Madho, som arbejder for affaldsfirmaet Zanrec og Sjani Müggenburg, som er direktør for Ozti East Africa – et firma der har fundet ud af at lave møbler af plastikskruelåg.
Material Type: Case Study, Primary Source