ISKME Open Ed Webinar

by Robert Denn 3 years, 1 month ago

Hello, want everyone to be aware of this PD opportunity approaching.

Invitation to the Upcoming #GoOpen 2021 Virtual Convening 

The U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology (OET) and ISKME are hosting the #GoOpen Initiative’s one-day virtual convening on Friday, December 10th, from 11:00 AM to 2:30 PM Eastern Time

The event will occur on Zoom and is free of charge. Register for the Event here.

Exciting program highlights for the half-day agenda include a keynote conversation facilitated by OET’s Ji Soo Song, and featuring Angela DeBarger, Program Officer, Education, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; Jemelleh Coes, Director of Teacher Leadership at Mount Holyoke College and former Teacher of the Year, Georgia; and, Lisa Petrides, CEO and Founder of ISKME. Also on the program are a series of lightning talks inspired by the new #GoOpen Pledge, break-out discussions, and a presentation from OET’s Kevin Johnstun.

More information about the event can be found on the #GoOpen Network Events page.

Research on Bay Area Community Colleges to Support Zero-Textbook-Cost Degrees in High Wage, High Demand Fields 

In collaboration with the Michelson 20MM Foundation Spark Grants program, ISKME is conducting a landscape study and gap analysis, ZTCs for High Wage, High Demand Fields: Bay Area Landscape Study. As state funding for OER development continues, the project will support Bay Area community colleges in their ZTC decision making through a regional network around shared data and evidence to support OER in high wage, high demand fields. This work will also inform those seeking to conduct a gap analysis specific to the local economies of other regions throughout the state. Read more about the project.