Number Line Up
(View Complete Item Description)This number line up activitiy gets students out of their seats and helps reinforce the counting sequence.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
This number line up activitiy gets students out of their seats and helps reinforce the counting sequence.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
This task suggests methods of introducing and continuing choral counting in the classroom.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
This activity is designed to determine the appropriate instructional level for a student in a one-on-one interaction with the teacher.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
This activity is designed to determine the appropriate instructional level for a student in a one-on-one interaction with the teacher.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
This task suggests ways to incorporate counting circles into classroom activities.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
The purpose of this task is for students to explain how they know one quantity is greater or less than another quantity. Students will easily be able to identify which number is greater or less. However, explaining their reasoning will help them solidify their number sense skills.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
In this game activity students practice comparing shapes and naming something that is alike or different about them.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
In this activity using a balance scale students practice weighing items to see how heavy they are. Cubes are used in the balance as units of measure so students may easily count them.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
In this activity students become familiar with the math vocabulary more/less/same and most/least as they count and compare small groups.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
Students will explore the concepts of place value, moving their bodies in a variety of ways to represent the tens and ones places. They will express place value with unifix cubes and drawings as they compose and decompose two-digit numbers
Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan
This task supports students in correctly writing numbers. Because students have to trace the number, instead of coloring in a bubble with the number in it or circling the correct number, they gain handwriting practice as well as counting and addition practice.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
The purpose of this task is for students to select 2 numbers from a set of 3 that sum to 9. The task can be completed for sums equaling any number. Teachers may choose to ask students to write the simple equations they select.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
The words compose and decompose are used to describe actions that young students learn as they acquire knowledge of small numbers by putting them together and taking them apart. This understanding is a bridge between counting and knowing number combinations. It is how instant recognition of small numbers develops and leads naturally to later understanding of fact families. This task helps them develop an understanding of number combinations.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
The purpose of this task is for students to select 2 numbers from a set that sum to 5 (or any other number).
Material Type: Activity/Lab
The purpose of this task is for students to find different pairs of numbers that sum to 9.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
The purpose of this task is for students to find different pairs of numbers that sum to 7.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
This lesson unit is intended to help teachers assess how well students are able to: interpret a situation and represent the constraints and variables mathematically; select appropriate mathematical methods to use; make sensible estimates and assumptions; investigate an exponentially increasing sequence; and communicate their reasoning clearly.
Material Type: Assessment, Lesson Plan