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Brain Brooder OpenStax Biology Course

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The full OpenStax Biology course, together with digital exercises that are repeated in an efficient way to help you achieve lifelong mastery in the subject material.

Material Type: Full Course, Homework/Assignment, Interactive, Textbook

Authors: Allison van de Meene, Andrea Hazard, Bob Sullivan, Connie Rye, Graciela Brelles-Marino, Jean DeSaix, Jung Choi, Linda Flora, Lisa Bonneau, Myriam Feldman, Norman Johnson, Robert Wise, Sangha Saha, Shobhana Natarajan, Summer Allen, Vladimir Jurukovski, Yael Avissar

Fundamentals of Biology

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Fundamentals of Biology focuses on the basic principles of biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and recombinant DNA. These principles are necessary to understanding the basic mechanisms of life and anchor the biological knowledge that is required to understand many of the challenges in everyday life, from human health and disease to loss of biodiversity and environmental quality. Course Format This course has been designed for independent study. It consists of four units, one for each topic. The units can be used individually or in combination. The materials for each unit include: Lecture Videos by MIT faculty. Learning activities, including Interactive Concept Quizzes, designed to reinforce main concepts from lectures. Problem Sets you do on your own and check your answers against the Solutions when you’re done. Problem Solving Video help sessions taught by experienced MIT Teaching Assistants. Lists of important Terms and Definitions. Suggested Topics and Links for further study. Exams with Solution Keys. Content Development Eric Lander Robert Weinberg Tyler Jacks Hazel Sive Graham Walker Sallie Chisholm Dr. Michelle Mischke

Material Type: Full Course

Authors: Chisholm, Sallie, Jacks, Tyler, Lander, Eric, Mischke, Michelle, Sive, Hazel, Walker, Graham, Weinberg, Robert


OHPS Conceptual Chemistry- ADA/editable version

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Conceptual Chemistry is a year-long course based on CK-12 OER instructional material and supplemented with limited commercially-available materials. The course is project-based, argument-driven inquiry. Each quarter begins with presentation of an intriguing phenomenon, followed by an essential question about the phenomenon, and a project centered on answering that essential question. Throughout the quarter, students conduct research and investigations to answer portions of the question. Each unit has a student "Task" at the end that serves as an assessment of the unit's concepts. At the end of each quarter, students assemble all of the unit tasks and synthesize a personal final project that answers the essential question in a personal context chosen by the student.

Material Type: Full Course

Authors: Barbara Soots, Gary Thayer, Jonathan Frostad, Malia Turner, Mackenzie Neal, Zachary Sawhill

Conceptual Chemistry

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Conceptual Chemistry is a year-long course based on CK-12 OER instructional material and supplemented with limited commercially-available materials. The course is project-based, argument-driven inquiry. Each quarter begins with presentation of an intriguing phenomenon, followed by an essential question about the phenomenon, and a project centered on answering that essential question. Throughout the quarter, students conduct research and investigations to answer portions of the question. Each unit has a student "Task" at the end that serves as an assessment of the unit's concepts. At the end of each quarter, students assemble all of the unit tasks and synthesize a personal final project that answers the essential question in a personal context chosen by the student.

Material Type: Full Course

Authors: Gary Thayer, Jonathan Frostad, Malia Turner, Mackenzie Neal, Zachary Sawhill

High School Integrated Physics and Chemistry Course

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The High School Integrated Conceptual Science Program (ICSP) is a NGSS-aligned curriculum that utilizes the conceptual progressions model for bundling of the NGSS, High School Conceptual Model Course 1 and strategies from Ambitious Science Teaching (AST) to focus on teaching practices needed to engage students in science discourse and learning. Course 1 is the High School Integrated Physics and Chemsitry Course.   The goal of these units is to encourage students to continue in STEM by providing engaging and aligned curriculum. The focus of this year long course is on the first year of high school (freshman).  While the course is designed to be taught as a collection of the units, each unit could be taught as a separate unit in a science course.  A video about the new course shared its unique approach to learning and teaching. Wenatchee School District, one of the participating districts, wanted a way to share the program with the community. 1 of the ICSP development was funded by Northwest Earth and Space Sciences Pipeline (NESSP) which is funded through the NASA Science Mission Directorate and housed with Washington NASA Space Grant Consortium at the University of Washington.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Full Course, Lesson, Module, Unit of Study

Authors: Carissa Haug, MECHELLE LALANNE

What Can We Do?

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The information, activities and assessments included in these curriculum modules aim to tell a story. This storyline will help students learn the basics of how populations of bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, and how that knowledge can help make sense of the phenomenon presented. Students will learn that local conditions and actions can have a significant impact on global issues. The activities with which students will engage constitute a meaningful pathway to understanding and are not intended to be used in isolation. As you make plans for how these modules will be used, carefully consider the connections and interdependence of the activities, which make it difficult to separate the activities and is not advised.Each module consists of two or three activities. Each activity provides opportunities to develop and use specific elements of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) science and engineering skills and practice(s) to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems. They also provide students with the chance to use conceptual understanding that spans scientific disciplines and develop deep understanding of core ideas and content.

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Eric Hall