Surrogacy in Georgia

by Osborn Tyler 3 weeks ago

Hello, I would like to get more detailed information about surrogacy in Georgia. I am interested in the right side of the issue: what laws and regulations govern this practice, what requirements are imposed on surrogates and potential parents, as well as what are the main stages of the surrogacy process in Georgia. It is also important to learn the possible risks and legal aspects associated with this process. Thank you in advance for your answers.

Reuben West 3 weeks ago

Surrogacy in Georgia is legal and regulated by laws, making this country popular for those seeking surrogacy services. The basic requirements for participation in a surrogacy program, which include, turned out to be clinical for the procedures for the conclusion and contract between the surrogate and the genetic parents. 

Osborn Tyler 3 weeks ago

Where can I read more information? I would like to be properly prepared.

Reuben West 3 weeks ago

For more information on surrogacy in Georgia, including legal aspects, requirements and the process, it is recommended to read the blog on the NCC website, available at The main requirements for foreign nationals seeking surrogacy in Georgia include compliance with the country's laws and procedures, clinical indications, and signing agreements with the biological parents and surrogate The process includes medical examinations, surrogate preparation, embryo carrying, pregnancy and delivery. Important Note: In Georgia, the surrogate mother has no rights to the child and must hand the child over to the biological parents. The cost of surrogacy in Georgia may depend on clinics and services, but in general it can be more affordable than in other countries. It is important to seek specialist advice and familiarize yourself with the detailed regulations and guidelines.