All resources in Minnesota Digital Curriculum Catalog

Probability and Geometry

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The activity and two discussions of this lesson connect probability and geometry. The Polyhedra discussion leads to platonic solids, and the Probability and Geometry discussion leads to connections between angles, areas and probability. The subtle difference between defining probability by counting outcomes and defining probability by measuring proportions of geometrical characteristics is brought to light.

Material Type: Interactive, Lecture Notes, Lesson Plan


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This activity allows the user to practice important angle vocabulary. This activity would work well in mixed ability groups of two or three for about twenty to twenty-five minutes if you use the exploration questions and ten to fifteen minutes otherwise. From the Shodor Education Foundation. This is an interactive Java-based activity with suggested lessons and exploration questions.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Interactive, Lesson Plan, Simulation, Student Guide

Linear algebra I: First introduction

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The first video segment presents a "freemium" business model as a motivating example. The second and third segments provide mathematical background on vectors, vector spaces, operators, and representations. Using this theoretical foundation, we solve for the dynamics of the example business using eigenvalue-eigenvector analysis.

Material Type: Lecture Notes

Author: David Liao

What Does Text Complexity Mean for English Learners and Language Minority Students?

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This paper addresses the implications, for ELLs, of the new standard's requirement that students be able to read and understand complex, informationally dense texts. The authors discuss the types of supports that learners need in order to work with complex texts. They also provide a sample of what academic discourse involves, using an excerpt from Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail. They demonstrate how English learners can be provided with strategies for accessing complex texts, such as closely examining one sentence at a time. The authors argue that instruction must go beyond vocabulary and should begin with an examination of our beliefs about language, literacy and learning.

Material Type: Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Charles j. Fillmore, Lily Wong Fillmore

Teacher Development Appropriate to Support ELLs

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Even among educators who have been successful at educating ELLs under traditional supports and programs, the level of knowledge required to do the job successfully has increased. This paper considers more aggressive and creative capacity-building initiatives that strengthen and integrate the disciplinary teaching strategies with literacy and language development strategies. The authors discuss the value and implications of new partnerships, of structures for collaboration, and of time dedicated to engaging experts from different fields in the design and delivery of teacher preparation and professional development.

Material Type: Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Maria Santo, Linda Darling-Hammond, Tina Cheuk

Mathematics, the Common Core, and Language

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This paper makes recommendations for developing mathematics instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs) aligned with the Common Core State Standards. The recommendations can guide teachers, curriculum developers, and teacher educators as they develop their own ways of supporting mathematical reasoning and sense-making for ELLs.Some instructional recommendations discussed in the paper include: Focus on ELL students' mathematical reasoning, not the correctness of their mathematical language use. Shift to a focus on mathematical discourse practices; move away from simplified views of language. Support ELL students as they engage in complex mathematical language. Use ELL students' language and experiences as resources. Provide professional development to enhance teachers' awareness of ways to support ELs as they develop both language and mathematical knowledge.

Material Type: Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Judit Moschkovich

Technology Through Time

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Over the centuries our collective knowledge about the Sun and its direct connection to our planet has continued to grow. Visit this Website for new essays, and related images, each month related to the theme of how humans use technology (past, present, and future) to understand the Sun and the Universe beyond.

Material Type: Diagram/Illustration, Lesson Plan, Reading

Medicines in My Home

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The Medicines in My Home lesson emphasizes the importance of reading medicine labels (especially the Drug Facts label) and involving a parent or guardian in medicine decisions. The program introduces students to information about and an approach to medicine use that may help them with self-medication choices as older adolescents and young adults. The lesson uses scenarios to teach the importance of reading label warnings and not taking two medicines that contain the same active ingredients. Students who share this information with their families may, in turn, teach their family members how to use over-the-counter medicines safely and effectively. We hope that you will find the Medicines in My Home lesson a useful addition to your health education curriculum. While health curricula differ among school systems, this information on the safe use of over-the-counter medicines may integrate with learning objectives related to home safety, medicines and common health problems, or consumer products.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Jobs Research Project for Beginning ESL Computer Lab Students

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This computer-based project was developed for my ESL Computer Lab. Students who attend this lab learn the basics of using a computer and complete mini-projects in English to build English Proficiency. This Job Research lesson may be used as a introductory lesson to preface a deeper career exploration. Additional lessons may include writing a cover letter, identifying personal jobs skills, goal-setting, writing a resume, and practicing for a job interview. However, this lesson is limited to using websites to obtain information about a job of interest to the student. At the end of the lesson, students present their slide show to the class.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Sharon Ram

Global Nomads Group: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Waste Curriculum With Thad Copeland from GrowNYC (One Week Lesson Plan)

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The Wasted: Don't Trash the Earth curriculum asks students to examine the impact of the waste we locally and globally produce and seek creative solutions to reduce this wastefulness by answering the driving question: "How can we, as youth, rethink waste?"

Material Type: Case Study, Interactive, Lecture, Lesson Plan, Student Guide

Author: Global Nomads Group (GNG)

Images of the American Revolution

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This lesson focuses on the American Revolution, which encouraged the founding fathers' desire to create a government that would, as stated in the Preamble, insure domestic tranquility and provide for the common defense. This lesson correlates to the National History Standards and the National Standards for Civics and Social Sciences.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Social Attitudes and Public Opinion

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This course examines the nature of attitudes, beliefs, and values, and the influences which indiviudals' attitudes have upon their behavior. Various theories of attitude organization and attitude change are discussed, and the development of social attitudes is explored by examining the differential impact of the family, the educational system, the mass media, and the general social environment. The changing content of public opinion over time and its relationship to the political system are also discussed.

Material Type: Full Course, Homework/Assignment, Lecture Notes, Syllabus

Authors: Ph.D., Professor Michael Milburn

Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site

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features Atlanta's Auburn Avenue, the neighborhood where the civil rights leader was born and raised. Sweet Auburn, as it came to be called, became the center of African American life in Atlanta between 1910 and 1930. Photos and maps of the neighborhood are provided. King's role in the civil rights movement is also examined.

Material Type: Diagram/Illustration, Primary Source, Reading

Rio Salado Student Success Seminar

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In this course, you will explore five areas that will prepare you for achieving success as you pursue your goal of continuing your education. Modules include: Strategies for Staying on Course, Study Habits and Skills, Effective Communication, Initiative and Motivation, and Career Exploration

Material Type: Full Course, Lecture, Reading

Teaching Ferguson to Adult English Language Learners

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In response to the police shooting of Mike Brown and the numerous protests and civil unrest that followed the shooting and grand jury decision, students were eager to learn about what was going on in St. Louis and Ferguson. Students saw boarded up windows walking to class. Some were afraid and not sure of their safety. They were encouraged to talk to staff about their fears and general personal safety lessons were also reviewed. The following is a story based on what was in the news. Suggested activities include: showing videos and news pictures from the web. Circle key words. Alphabetize key words. Ask students “What’s number 3?, 5?” Etc. Students can also do this in pairs. Worksheet of questions about the story. Students can also read these in pairs when completed. True false worksheet. Cloze of part of the story. Multi-level dictation of the story. Matching pictures to key words. Discussion about civil rights history, racism, police, safety.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Angy Folkes