All resources in MSDE Inspired Designers 2018

AP Summer Assignment

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This assignment helps advanced students to stay connected to the language over the summer. The first document is the assignment with instructions and links. The next two documents are capture sheets for students to use as they complete the work. The documents are in Spanish and the links are to Spanish language sources but everything can be adapted to other languages.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: MSDE Admin, Bonnie Pechulis, Rebecca Ahearn

Silent Discourse - Interpersonal Writing

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This activity provides opportunities for students to communicate with each other, in writing, on a given topic in the target language. The teacher provides a question or a topic and students respond to the original question and/or to each other. The attached document "debate silencioso" provides for an extended exchange between two students, following the arrows, as they respond to each other's responses. The other document can be used in groups of four where each student responds to the question and then, at the teacher's direction, the paper is turned a quarter turn so that each student then sees a classmate's response and can respond to his or her comments, ask a follow up question, add on to the comment, etc. As the paper continues to be turned, the students see additional comments from other group mates and thus have more to respond to. This version works best on large newsprint rather than an 8.5 x 11 paper but the document provides a visual for the teacher. In either version, the idea is to insist on silence so that students are required to express their ideas in writing in the target language.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: MSDE Admin, Bonnie Pechulis, Rebecca Ahearn, Brandon Morfoot