Proposed Policy Wording for OER Participation

by ESU Coordinating Council 6 years, 1 month ago

School Districts (Public or Private)

Participation in OER.  Collaboration through Open Educational Resources (OER) is beneficial in many ways for the district and for the education community in Nebraska.  The Educational Service Unit Coordinating Council (ESUCC) and the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) have provided a platform to share educational materials with OER designation which can be reviewed and aligned to Nebraska’s state standards.  The board authorizes the superintendent to allow staff members to participate in OER, at the superintendent’s discretion, both by incorporating OER materials into the curriculum adopted by the board and by sharing materials and resources owned by the district.  Those materials and resources include works made for hire by district employees. Unless the superintendent or superintendent’s designee(s) determines otherwise, materials owned by the district may be shared to the ESUCC-NDE OER Collection(s) with the Creative Commons Attribution License designation of either (1) “Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike,” which is universally noted as “CC BY-NC-SA”; or (2) “Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives,” which is universally noted as “CC BY-NC-ND.”


Educational Service Units

Participation in OER.  Collaboration through Open Educational Resources (OER) is beneficial in many ways for the ESU’s member districts and for the education community in Nebraska.  The Educational Service Unit Coordinating Council (ESUCC) and the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) have provided a platform to share educational materials with OER designation which can be reviewed and aligned to Nebraska’s state standards.  The board authorizes the administrator to allow staff members to participate in OER, at the administrator’s discretion, both by incorporating OER materials into the services provided by the ESU to member districts and by sharing materials and resources owned by the ESU.  Those materials and resources include works made for hire by ESU employees. Unless the administrator or administrator’s designee(s) determines otherwise, materials owned by the ESU may be shared to the ESUCC-NDE OER Collection(s) with the Creative Commons Attribution License designation of either (1) “Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike,” which is universally noted as “CC BY-NC-SA”; or (2) “Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives,” which is universally noted as “CC BY-NC-ND.”