All resources in Nebraska Science K -12

Get in My Body: Drug Delivery

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Students are challenged to think as biomedical engineers and brainstorm ways to administer medication to a patient who is unable to swallow. They learn about the advantages and disadvantages of current drug delivery methods—oral, injection, topical, inhalation and suppository—and pharmaceutical design considerations, including toxicity, efficacy, size, solubility/bioavailability and drug release duration. They apply their prior knowledge about human anatomy, the circulatory system, polymers, crystals and stoichiometry to real-world biomedical applications. A Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation and worksheets are provided. This lesson prepares students for the associated activity in which they create and test large-size drug encapsulation prototypes to provide the desired delayed release and duration timing.

Material Type: Lesson

Authors: Andrea Lee, Megan Ketchum

Remote Learning Plan: Evolution "Addie" High School

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This Remote Learning Plan was created by Stephanie Henry, Dannika Nelson, and Emily Winter in collaboration with Sara Cooper and Annette Weise as part of the 2020 ESU-NDE Remote Learning Plan Project. Educators worked with coaches to create Remote Learning Plans as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.The attached Remote Learning Plan is designed for high school biology students. Students initially investigate the case of a young girl with a life-threatening infection of pan-resistant bacteria. This case sparks questions that lead them to investigate the growing prevalence of such cases and the discrepancies between antibiotic use in their communities and CDC recommendations. They expand their investigations to look at population changes occurring in a population of birds (juncos) which exhibit noticeable differences in physical (and behavioral*)traits from the past 60 years. . This Remote Learning Plan addresses the following NDE Standards: SC.HS.10.5.B, SC.HS.10.5.C, SC.HS.10.5.D, and SC.HS.10.5.E.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy, Unit of Study

Author: Sara Cooper

How Can We Sense So Many Different Sounds from a Distance?

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In this unit, students start by observing a perplexing phenomenon. When a sewing needle taped to a cone is dragged over the surface of a plastic disc that is spun underneath it, it produces voices and musical notes. This leads students to start wondering about other sound-related phenomena, which in turn leads to wealth of new questions about 1) What causes different sounds? 2) What is traveling from a sound source to our ears? 3) How do we hear and why do we hear things differently in different places? and 4) How do electronic devices (digital sound sources) produce and detect sounds?

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: NGSS