All resources in Nebraska Social Studies Inquiry Project

Nebraska Historical and Cultural Symbols - Applied Vexillology

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of how the symbols used in flag design represent history and culture, specifically for Nebraskans. Students will be introduced to the field of Vexilollogy, which is the study of flags. Resource created Kyle Vincent, Cozad Community Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council

Homestead Act of 1862

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the legacy of the Homestead Act of 1862 by having students analyze the impact of the law on European settlers and American Indians since the law did not equally benefit both groups of individuals. Resource created by Justin Aaberg, Nebraska City High School, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council

Melting Pot

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of the process of immigration and assimilation in the United States in the 19th century. Resource created by Chris Nemetz, West Holt Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council