Cohort Interview Products (LMS pre-work)

by Joanna Schimizzi 7 years, 11 months ago

Hello Library Media Specialists!


We're excited to have you spend a few minutes "interviewing" your STEM teachers. Here is an outline for your interview and description of the product we're asking you to make.


Please reply below to include a link to your Cohort Interview Products. 

Caitlin Gately 7 years, 11 months ago

Guiding Questions Interview of teacher
1. Driven, independent, organized, observant, caring, knowledgable, dependable, honest, quiet, invested
2. When students begin to ask a question and then remember where they have heard the answer and can
answer their own question. Seeing this problem solving out loud and how they can process the information
makes me very happy as it shows that they were listening in class enough for the information to make it
into their long term memory.
3. I ask a lot of questions before we start a new topic, when we are in the middle of a unit and as we get near
the end. I like asking questions and finding out why things happen. In return my students can ask any
question at any time. I like when they ask a real life example and we can answer the question as a group. I
also enjoy when thy ask a question that no one knows and we have to look it up together and can find the
answer online. I usually take a minute at the end of class and show them the results on the projector and
any pictures. I really enjoy when they ask questions and encourage it, even if it takes a few minutes away
from out lesson.
4. In my classroom literacy is reading in the book, assignments and labs. I wish I had more time to read
science books and journals and reflect on our findings. There just isn't enough time! My students have two
to three nights of reading assignments a week. In this new semester I am hoping to add more scientific
journal reading as we move into genetics and bioethics.
5. In my biology curriculum I feel that literacy would help my students with the topics of cell differentiation and
bioethics. These are current topics where research is being worked on and they could find scientific
journals about the work being completed. The technology aspect of our curriculum would also allow the use
of an e-reader or kindle app if my students had more access to chrome books. It would be nice to have
weekly reading assignments that students could find, but I cannot use the chrome books every day.
Evolution would be the other part of the biology curriculum where literacy would be integrated. With all the
research that is out there on evolution there are plenty of books and scientific journals to allow additional
reading and research to my students.
6. I have only worked with special education teachers out side of my department. With them I have work on
specific modifications for their students to meet their IEP needs. I have worked with them to make sure the
student education needs are meet and changes are made to the assignments. I have not worked with
another department on course work.
7. In a collaborative partner I am looking for someone who is open to hearing everyones ideas, not just their
own. Someone who puts the students best interests first, even if the ideas are out of his or hers comfort