How are you currently searching for resources to use in your teaching?
by Megan Simmons 7 years, 9 months agoTake a moment to reflect on your current process for discovering teaching resources and share below.
Take a moment to reflect on your current process for discovering teaching resources and share below.
Good Day
I have a collection of resources I have sourced over the years and often refer to them during the school year. When looking for resources, I often try to align the learning outcomes of the resources with that outline from the different curricula use in my country. There are other situations where I specify the type of resources. My students enjoy interactives and I add that term to my search. I have this to be very effective.
Hi Semonique, Would you feel comfortable sharing your collection of resources by adding them to your group's bulk import template or by submitting some of them to your group directly so we can see some examples?
Reference material on submitting content
I use Edmodo to help with resources and I also use youtube to help. I do so by typing in the subject, then topic and then narrow my search using google. This way is very time comsuming
Esther, once you have found resources that you like on Edmodo and Youtube, you can submit them to your OER group using the Suggest a resource option inside your group. As you add resources you can tag them with keywords and organize them into folders within your group to make them easier to for other to find and use.