OER Goals, Success Indicators & Collaborators

by Megan Simmons 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Please reply below and share what OER goals, success indicators, and collaborators you are going to focus on for your OER leadership plan.

For example, my OER goals are to increase awareness of OER and to support faculty in creating and sharing high-quality OER. The success indicators I am going to track are the number faculty trained in OER, the number of new resources added to our Hub, and the number of speaking engagements about OER. I am going to collaborate with faculty, instructional designers, and librarians to reach my goals.

Tara O'Neill 5 months, 1 week ago

My OER goal is to increase faculty course adoptions, remixes, and creation. I'm going to track the number of full-time and adjunct faculty in my department trained in OER, and the number of downloads my OER courses have obtained. I would also like to talk about OER during the AZ Transfer Summit (if I'm able). I'm going to collaborate with faculty, Deans, and other faculty leaders to help reach my goal. 

Duane DeSpain 5 months, 1 week ago

I would like to lead by example. Andrea has inspired me to keep a focus (implementation plan) as my main goal, but I’d also like to build in consistency as I create and share OER corses within the Chemistry Department at EAC as an example for other departments to follow.

Collaborators: other Chemistry Faculty and CTL department. Librarian (feel the love. And Administration for presentation of plan and keeping the FOCUS!

Indicators: there are 6 courses in our Chemistry Department, so we will start there and measure how many are full OER courses

Then, by leadership I hope to influence other departments as well, with more than 16 on campus, I will measure success based on how many departments I can influence to start or increase their course builds.

Andrea Schaben 5 months, 1 week ago

My OER goal is to increase collaboration between and among the institutuions that are part of the grant.  I will help lead the work on the common course builds (MAT 142, ENG 101, PSY 101, and BIO 181); if the pilot process results in high use builds, we can scale the work and include other high enrolled courses.  I can also advocate using my own experience as a co-builder to encourage people to work together.  I am going to collaborate with Megan Crossfield, other faculty, instructional designers and librarians to reach my goals.

Travis Catt 5 months, 1 week ago

My OER goal is to increase OER adoptions within my own department, specifically the Social Work program as it is a program that we are growing at EAC and therefore can adopt OER early and grow from there. I will focus on SSE 184 with a Fall rollout, collaborating with Hailey Richins (the EAC Instructional Designer), as well as Nathan Cline. 

Eric Osborn 5 months, 1 week ago

Goal: Promote creation through value to faculty.  Having a unified voice through course materials encourages student learning.

Success Indicators: Through assessment the average knowledge displayed by students doesn't decrease from transitioning between publishers to OER.

Collaborators: Other faculty and students in their own education.

Megan Crossfield 5 months, 1 week ago

Goal: Increase access to OER materails through the use of our OER Commons Hub (aka our shared repository). We are looking at who is using and posting OER materails to the Hub. I am working with consortium partners and the OERizona Network to increase awareness and offer trainings on how to access and use the Hub. 

Spencer Udall 5 months, 1 week ago

I am an engineering faculty at EAC, so my goals are mostly content-related with courses in which would like to implement an OER. My main goal is to create a textbook replacement before next Spring semester, when I will teach a Mechanics course with the most expensive text of all of my courses, as well as the least organized book. Depending on how this goes, I may decide to create OER options for other engineering courses. 

As far as leadership goes, I do realize the power that each of the faculty has to influence the attitude of the overall group. I hope that I can be successful in reaching my goals so that I can spread a favorable curiousity to more of the faculty regarding OER.

Mike Rozinski 5 months, 1 week ago


My OER goal is to increase faculty awareness of OER, its benefits, and its impact by offering professional development opportunities, connecting OER to best practices in teaching and learning, and supporting faculty in their course designs of OER material.


  • Faculty engagement in OER professional development.
  • Number of adoptions, adaptions, and creations of OER materials at the college.
  • Number of OER courses/resources that the Center for Teaching and Learning supported in its design.


Faculty, librarians, administration, other members of the Center for Teaching and Learning.

An Duy Duong 5 months, 1 week ago

My goal is to focus on developing a custom lab manual to lower the cost for my course of microbiology. I want to be collaborative with one or two colleagues in this attempt.

Alexandrea Stritmatter 5 months, 1 week ago

My OER goal is to increase faculty (FT and Adjunct) awareness and adoption of OER resources. I plan on tracking the number of faculty that participate in OER training, OER adoption, adaption or creation, and student feedback. I am collaborating with the faculty, the librarian, and other pertinent staff to achieve my goals.

Heather Leavitt 5 months, 1 week ago

My OER goals are to:

  1. Transition all courses in the ECE & EDU programs at Yavapai College to utilize OER materials.
    Success indicators: number of new resources added; faculty course adoptions, remixes, and creations; data showing decrease in student spending on course materials 
  2. Engage in cross-institutional collaboartions, such as this fellowship, to promote knowledge and spread of OER.
    Success indicators: TBD
Chun-Hung Wang 5 months, 1 week ago

My OER goals are to create my own high quality OER materials first. Then, support adjunct faculties to create, half build, adopt/adapt, and collaborate with other full-time faculties.

Monica Ketchum-Cardenas 5 months, 1 week ago

My OER goals are to support adjunct and dual enrollment instructors in adopting and adapting OER and to increase faculty OER adoption across the institution. The success indicators are the number of course copies within my discipline and the number of courses on the class schedule that are tagged as using OER. I'm going to collaborate with faculty and the librarians.

Colette Marks 5 months, 1 week ago

My OER goal is to create OER course adoption.  I plan to search and provide data on student retention improvements, and across the board increases in student enrollments to be used in an advocacy manner.  As an instructor in both OER and textbook buying classes, the number of late assignments at the beginning of the term due to textbook costs is evident in my single non-OER classroom.

Jacob Lauritzen 5 months, 1 week ago

My OER goal is to increase faculty course adoptions for English Composition and Literature courses. I will track the number of new courses that adopt OER resources. I have started to work with my English Faculty colleagues on this.

Tymmi Woods 5 months, 1 week ago

My OER goals are to increase the awareness of OER usage/adoption by faculty.  The success indicators I am going to track are the number of courses that are using OER materials.  I will collaborate with administration and faculty to clarify how that information is reflected so that our students can be assisted in their pursuit of a college degree.  As a librarian, I can work to help publicise that information.