Webinar Three - Remixing and Creating

by Joanna Schimizzi 8 months, 4 weeks ago

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  1. What did you hear in a breakout room (or main session) that connected with something you were considering for your OER Remix/Creation?

  2. Create?? Or Find?? If you could create or find exactly what you're looking for, what would it be?

Ella Melito 8 months, 4 weeks ago

1. Integrating in house resources created by our own instructors (analysis video series by our own instructors)

2. A complete open anthology of literature - diverse literary works - short stories, poems and dramatic works with guidance for literary analysis and criticism. 

Steve Ornelas 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Ella, that is a great idea to use in-house resources. I plan on having a master OER file so other Psychology instructors can use it. 

Tonya Nolan 8 months, 4 weeks ago


1. What did you hear in a breakout room (or main session) that connected with something you were considering for your OER Remix/Creation? Great resources from Goodwill, Free educator LOOM

2. Create?? Or Find?? If you could create or find exactly what you're looking for, what would it be? I wish we could make different types of lessons from one srouce.

Ella Melito 8 months, 4 weeks ago

My Loom account converted to paid. It was no longer free for me as an educator as of this semester. How do I get the free loom account?

Lindsay Masten 8 months ago

Hey Ella, I don't know if you'll see this since the OER cohort is over, but it sounds like for some reason you may need to re-verify your account with Loom.

I'm still using it as an educator and my plan shows "Loom for Education" on the subscription page of my account (no fee). I work with a *lot* of software applications in my field, and I've found that for many the secret sauce is emailing and getting ahold of a human. Try emailing loom or contacting them via their contact page and explaining you had an education account, but it converted. I'd suggest emailing using your institution email. 

Christi Charters 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi Tonya,

I believe it may be possible to make many different lessons from one source!

Shelley Decker 8 months, 4 weeks ago
  1. What did you hear in a breakout room (or main session) that connected with something you were considering for your OER Remix/Creation? Links changed and my colleague in the breakout room said it is important to save down information into a PDF or other document rather than relying solely on links. 

  2. Create?? Or Find?? If you could create or find exactly what you're looking for, what would it be? An OER textbook that aligns perfectly with our learning outcomes.

Joe Faykosh 8 months, 4 weeks ago

Jacob and I talked about the importance of using the rubrics for evaluating different resources: assignments vs textbooks vs primary sources, but then applying those rubrics to what we were looking for.

I am going to create a Mexican American history course largely from scratch, based on lack of available sources, but out of a need to find inclusive accessible content.

Adam Leighton 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Woah! That sounds exciting. Building something (new) from the ground up is pretty intriguing. :)

Ella Melito 8 months ago

We are thinking we would like to remix, but add in house video of our instructors and their lectures associated with content. That way the OER reflects our department and even features our students and their work examples. 

Nicolas Hanhan 8 months ago

Hello Ella,

Adding in-house videos of instructors and student work to the OER is a great way to make the OER unique and engaging!



Lindsay Masten 8 months ago

I make an average of three videos per week for my courses (I try to keep them relatively brief, though!) and I think that direct connection with the instructor is a key differentiator from online tutorials. OER content, in my opinion, needs to be different than the typical "Here's How To..." videos widely available on Youtube. Those are already free, and students know it. What faculty can offer is deep, field-specific expertise and translation of concepts, as well as synthesis. By including our own videos as OER, we remind students what they're investing in.

Jacob Gibson 8 months, 2 weeks ago

That sounds like a great project. Given the changes to our AGEC, and the scarcity of resouces you mention, this project sounds like it will be very useful! 

Tonya Nolan 8 months, 2 weeks ago

The OER Committee decided in October that all YouTube videos are considered OER, whether they are CClicensed or not. Instructors are not to revise or make derivatives of the YouTube video unless the video has a CC license that allows such revisions. This will make creating OER courses easier for faculty. Please refer to the Guidelines for Content in OER Zcourses at YC for full details.

Danyell Dahn 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi Joe. You and I are having the opposite experience. I am fimding so many resources that I am overwhelmed with how to survey,evaluate, and synthesize them. I'd like to take the course you are about to create. I wonder about how users/producers of OER could collaborate to actually become kind of a global collaborative community of primary sources. I teach World Regional Geography, and am getting into OER largely because even geography texts are becoming more biased. I wonder what it would be like to have my students engage with a Russian or Chinese geographer and discuss directly the biases each experiences through culture and propaganda in relation to each other. I wonder how your Mexican American history course would rewrite the 'history' that has compiled beneath my own interrogation. The thought of my own misinformed leanings is terrifying. I look for a community who understands the processes at play and can help correct eachother as a collective. I am working on a two week OER media literacy unit. Hopefully, that will be a decent starting place for myself and my students. I hope to see and learn from your work! Thanks in advance for doing and sharing it.

Alexandrea Stritmatter 8 months, 4 weeks ago
  1. What did you hear in a breakout room (or main session) that connected with something you were considering for your OER Remix/Creation? Collaboration. Working with other faculty and OER members.

  2. Create?? Or Find?? If you could create or find exactly what you're looking for, what would it be? An Intro to Statistics with SPSS practice, OR a Research Methods book with "practice" studies for students to interact with each other.

Christi Charters 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi Alexandrea, I hope you find something that you can use as practice! Good Luck!!!

Christi Charters 8 months, 4 weeks ago
  1. What did you hear in a breakout room (or main session) that connected with something you were considering for your OER Remix/Creation? Creative Commons Image repositories.

  2. Create?? Or Find?? If you could create or find exactly what you're looking for, what would it be? Would like to create a customized textbook for topics that I teach or create a repository of images specifically for A and P instructors.

Adam Leighton 8 months, 4 weeks ago

1. The thing that connected with me/stood out to me the most for getting started with OER is the availability of CC images (either in Google images or another resource mentioned but I've then since forgotten lol).

2. I'd create a full textbook/course with accompanying extra practice and projects that is customized, under the hood, for instructors to choose the level of scaffolding, ranging from basically none (e.g., "Do the following problems using only the following listed assumptions/facts and your answers to other problems.") to full (e.g., a traditional-style "definition -> example -> nuanced example -> homework" sort of textbook).

Adam Leighton 8 months, 2 weeks ago

A bit inconvenient of a time for it to happen, but it'll be alright! My training will have to slow down markedly, but perhaps that will let me focus on my dissertation and this whole OER thing! :)

Joe Faykosh 8 months, 2 weeks ago

I really like the idea of allowing the faculty an opportunity to adapt the materials and customize the content, as you discussed. This is the kind of project I would love to see in place and hope to build for my own courses. 

Hailey Richins 8 months, 2 weeks ago

I'd love to see your this full textbook course! It would be so beneficial for facutly creating OER. 

Tatiana Keeling 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Adam, Joanna mentioned that all images on Wikipedia pages have an open CC license, which I thought was really useful. 

A couple of other websites with free images are below.  Our graphic design professor recommended these, and my students use them when designing Public Service Announcements for my English 102 class.  

Unsplash: Beautiful Free Images & Pictures

Pexels: Free Stock Photos

Pixabay: Stunning Free Images

Morguefile: Free Images for Creatives by Creatives

I hope you will find these useful.  

Tatiana Keeling 8 months, 3 weeks ago

1.  In the main session, Joanna was describing PressBooks and the difference between remixing OERs on this platform vs. doing that in PressBooks.  I would like more information about the differences since several textbooks I found on this website and saved to my folder to review later are created as PressBooks.

2.  I would love to find several great Composition textbooks that we could use in ENG 101 and ENG 102 and then remix them by combining them and adding CAC-specific material to make the textbook fit our specific learning outcomes.  

James Love 8 months, 3 weeks ago

1. Colleages in the brerakout room provide additional resources and website for images and othe resources that will be invalubale in the creation of OER Resources.

2. Create: Interdisciplinary resource that overlaps two broad disciplines (i.e. Art and Sociology) that promotes Social Justice.

Adam Leighton 8 months, 2 weeks ago

I love this idea! It's really hard to highlight DEIJ in my math classes (at least, intracurricularly), but an interdisciplinary approach could give just enough flexibility to do so more.

Hailey Richins 8 months, 2 weeks ago

1. CC images in google. 

2. Create original content aligning to course objectives. 

Michelle Estes 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Hailey - I enjoyed learning about hte CC images in Google, too! :-)

Michelle Estes

Chantele Carr 8 months, 2 weeks ago

1.  Loom, Open Stax, the importance of accessibility, and other useful resources.

           2. Yes, I was able to create exactly what I was looking for.  I am interested in creating a module                  on Advocavy in my Communication courses.


Khaleel Abusal 8 months, 2 weeks ago

1. Creating compiled literature materials that can be considered for adoption in the department. 

2. An introduction to literature book that incorporates the major literary terms with applications.

Jacob Gibson 8 months, 2 weeks ago

A number of us at AWC have been working on compiling OER materials that we have created/ are creating. This seems like a good place to "publish" our works.

I would love to find more classroom exercises and labs. Specifically, for environmental science courses it would be great to have guided worksheets and activities.

Michelle Estes 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Jacob, I look forward to working with you and seeing where I can help in any way.

Michelle Estes

Danyell Dahn 8 months, 2 weeks ago

I learned that others were experiencing the challenges of learning that the OER world is vast and exciting and useful and still new- that they too want to dive in and explore and are consistently tending to the demands on instructors that are not yet aligned with the vision(s) that OER is a part of.

I endeavor to find/create the perfect two week Media Literacy unit for students enrolled in World Regional Geography.

I am just beginning to learn of all of the outlets for resporces. It is a beautiful world that I am just barely finding moments to look into!

James Love 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Media literacy is a cool project and very interesting!!!  Have you ever though about possiblly of combining that with an examination of how media can be used to promoted social justice?

Michelle Estes 8 months, 2 weeks ago
  1. What did you hear in a breakout room (or main session) that connected with something you were considering for your OER Remix/Creation?  We need to create a digital OER resources area (or hub/template) for our faculty as a central place to create work and also evaluate each other's work.

  2. Create?? Or Find?? If you could create or find exactly what you're looking for, what would it be?  An OER textbook that aligns with common learning outcomes in each major subject area with an added learning activity attached to it.

Shandiin Deputee 8 months, 1 week ago

I watched the recording. I am considering for my remix a problem based assignment for adult education. If I could create what I am looking for, it would be how to create a digital story.

Nicolas Hanhan 8 months ago
  1. What did you hear in a breakout room (or main session) that connected with something you were considering for your OER Remix/Creation? I presented in the break room about exploring resources for my Arabic language class. I found a striking connection in the discussion regarding integrating interactive learning tools in other courses. The emphasis on incorporating multimedia elements and interactive exercises into OERs is what I envision for my Arabic language resources. It reaffirms my belief in incorporating engaging and diverse content to facilitate language learning effectively.

  2. Create?? Or Find?? If you could create or find exactly what you're looking for, what would it be?   If I were to create or find a resource, it would be a comprehensive OER package directed towards Arabic language learners. This package would encompass a range of interactive activities, cultural insights, authentic materials like articles or videos, and an adaptive learning module.