Modifying and Creating OER Workshop

Remix of OpenStax Chemistry: Atoms First 2e

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The goal in this 'remix' project was to delete a particularly annoying significant figure ('sig figs') rule with regards to the number 5 and rounding. Sig figs are very useful in experimental science (to control the precision of the experiments, etc.). Some authors use this unusual rule with regards to rounding if there is a five, but the author considers this the exception, not the norm, and created a remix to remove this. Chapter 1 math problems, as well as many other problems throughout the book, were checked for this issue and the occurrences were changed. Here is a list of the changes: • Page "3" - added remixed by author (me) statement • Page 18 - "Almost all of the" changed to "Most" • Page 36 - 50 - removal of annoying "5" rule with sig figs starts, many instances edited and fixed with 'proper' sig fig handling, examples and answers fixed, small typos and grammar changes • Page 1146 - changed answer to Chapter 1 question #51f (page 55) in key at end

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Michael Russell