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Introduction to Abnormal Psychology

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This module provides students with an introduction to disordered behaviors and mental illness. Students will identify social stigmas and stereotypes that are harmful and negatively impact how people with mental illness are treated as well as what approaches can positively impact people's views of mental illness.

Material Type: Module

Author: Stevy Scarbrough

Computer Science Midterm Paper

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The midterm represents the final week of working in Word. You will be asked to complete documents that demonstrate that you understand basic rules and best practices to ensure your online research is reliable as well as demonstrate skill in the proper use of Word features covered during the first 5 weeks of the course. Skills & Knowledge Attained: *Time management – You were asked to think about your midterm topic in week 1 and declare it in a post in week 2 and given several weeks to prepare and do the necessary research. Research document should demonstrate the time provided was used to spread out the work so that it was not done in a rush and/or at the last minute. *Best practices on how to check a website for accuracy and truth as well as appropriateness as research source. *Proper application of MLA requirements using Microsoft Word Reference features, such as adding footnotes, citations, and generating a bibliography from correctly added citations as well as placement and content of appropriate header and footer. *The paper should be an original piece of writing based on properly cited online research, that demonstrates understanding of the topic researched and should explain in your own words, using proper spelling and grammar, what you have learned about your chosen topic.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment, Module

Author: Maria Julia Sorrentino

Physical Activity for Weight Control I and II Syllabus

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Introduces an independent and applied physical exercise program to promote physical activity and improve body composition. Promotes healthy behavior change patterns. Course Topics Covered: - Improve physical conditioning - Behavior change techniques to improve overall fitness and health - Body composition assessment - Weight management - Basic Nutrition - How & why to maintain a physical activity log - Fitness assessment/testing - Cardiorespiratory fitness basics - Monitoring intensity of exercise via heart rate & RPE & Talk Test - Muscular fitness basics - Flexibility and back health basics - Maintaining lifelong fitness & wellness Learning Outcomes 1. Improve physical conditioning through an individually planned exercise/lifelong fitness program 2. Implement behavior change techniques to improve overall fitness 3. Recognize and apply the value and benefits of physical fitness 4. Apply pre/post fitness assessments

Material Type: Syllabus

Author: Susan Milln

Mass Shootings Course Plans

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An examination of the phenomenon of mass shootings in the United States. The course explores the available data on trends in and distribution of mass shootings, the characteristics of shooters, and patterns in the features of incidents, as well as proposed theories. Potential societal, law enforcement, and public policy responses, as distinct from political responses, are explored from a criminological perspective. Learning Outcomes: 1. Describe the distinct phenomenon of mass shootings in the United States. 2. Explain how mass shootings differ from other types of mass murder, terrorism, or violent crimes. 3. Explore available data on trends and distribution of mass shootings in the United States. 4. Determine patterns in incident features including targeted victims, location, preparation, weaponry, and intended outcome of shooter. 5. Identify the patterns in characteristics of those who carry out mass shootings. 6. Evaluate societal response, law enforcement response, and public policy response to different mass shootings. 7. Analyze theories behind the phenomenon of mass shootings in the United States.

Material Type: Full Course

Author: Taryn VanderPyl

Review of Psychology and Human Relations

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In her review of "Psychology of Human Relations" by Chris Allen, Mary Ann Woodman evaluates the textbook's comprehensive nature, content accuracy, and relevance, praising its readability and accurate material while noting a bias towards Buddhism. She discusses the clarity and consistency of the text across different authors and chapters, suggesting improvements in structure for better flow and modularity. Additionally, Woodman touches on the textbook's interface, including the use of visuals and the need to update or remove outdated links. She also commends the absence of grammatical errors and encourages a broader representation of cultural relevance and diversity. The text can be found at

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Mary Ann Woodman

Introduction to College Research & Information Literacy

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This course is designed to give students the tools necessary to search, find, evaluate, cite, create, and publish responsible, ethical scholarship. Covers information literacy and how it applies to all aspects of their lives (profession, personal, entertainment), the need for accurate and appropriate citation, and how they are currently contributing to the scholarly conversation as well as how they can continue to do so.

Material Type: Full Course

Author: Elizabeth Teoli