June 17th, 2022

Amy Hofer added Parent Seminar: Supporting International Students during the Transition to University

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Jun 17, 09:45am

Amy Hofer added OER Evaluating the Conditions For Student Voice Worksheet

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Jun 17, 09:44am
June 09th, 2022
OER Commons

Precalculus: An Active Reading Approach: Elementary Functions was unpublished by the OER Commons

from Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Jun 09, 04:15pm
OER Commons

Precalculus: An Active Reading Approach: Elementary Functions was unpublished by the OER Commons

from Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Jun 09, 04:15pm
May 27th, 2022
OER Commons

Sociology and Anthropology: NGOs and Humanitarianism Course was unpublished by the OER Commons

from Open Oregon Educational Resources - on May 27, 11:59am
May 26th, 2022

Amy Hofer added CGS 100 College Survival & Success

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on May 26, 05:03pm
April 28th, 2022

Amy Hofer added Environmental Science 171: Biological Perspectives

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Apr 28, 06:39pm
April 20th, 2022

Amy Hofer added Diversity in STEM Contributions Assignment

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Apr 20, 10:31am
April 19th, 2022

Amy Hofer added Sociology: Sports in Society

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Apr 19, 05:18pm

Amy Hofer added AHE 617 Needs Assessment in Higher Education

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Apr 19, 05:18pm

Amy Hofer added Sleep Health Assessment and Behavior Change Module

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Apr 19, 05:14pm

Amy Hofer added Sustainable Tourism

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Apr 19, 05:11pm

Amy Hofer added Introduction to Teaching Spanish

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Apr 19, 05:10pm

Amy Hofer added GEO 212: Geography of Global Issues

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Apr 19, 04:46pm
April 11th, 2022

Amy Hofer added Introduction to Psychology

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Apr 11, 02:45pm
March 28th, 2022

Amy Hofer added Management Information Systems

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Mar 28, 10:53am

Amy Hofer added Student Handbook Project for Writing

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Mar 28, 10:49am

Amy Hofer added Computer Science Midterm Paper

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Mar 28, 10:42am

Amy Hofer added Math 105 Term Project

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Mar 28, 10:36am

Amy Hofer added Human Relations in Organizations

to Open Oregon Educational Resources - on Mar 28, 10:33am