is (XML?) source available for the OpenStax Calculus books?

by Brenton LeMesurier 2 years, 11 months ago

Is source for this book available? I have read that it exists in an XML-base language, which would be fine for my purposes (I work a lot with the XML-based PreTeXt format.)

I ask because I am adopting OpenStax Calculus for a course primarily serving biology majors, and would like to customize by adding some biology-oriented examples and exercises.

Also, I would like to adopt it for another course that specifically serves physical chemistry students, for which I would like to customize by adding a few sections on topics like Fourier Series and applications of path integrals to thermodynamics.

OpenStax, Rice University 2 years, 11 months ago

Hello -

Thank you very much for using the text and for expanding the offering to these students.  This sounds great.  Yes, we can provide and XML version of the book, but we no longer host it directly on the web site.  If it is okay, I'll contact you by email and arrange the best way to share those files directly.  


Thank you,


Brenton LeMesurier 2 years, 11 months ago

Thanks very much Anthony! Yes it would be great if you can help me to download the XML version. (And maybe my additions on Fourier Series and such will be of interest for sharing, either in the book or as a supplement.)

Katherine Hall 2 years, 1 month ago


I am also interested in the XML version of the book. I plan to use this book in the fall for a Business Calculus course and would like do customize it accordingly.

It is possible to get access to them?


Katie Hall