Powerpoint / materials

by Angelina Loyola 4 years, 1 month ago


I'm new to teaching college success. I will be adopting the OpenStax OER ebook. Is anyone willing to share your material - powerpoints, activities, exercises? 

Thank you,

Angie Loyola 
Evergreen Valley College


Sofia Montero 4 years, 1 month ago

Hi Angelina,

I attended the College Success webinar last week, hosted by Amy Baldwin, author of the text. I specifically asked about Powerpoints or other instructor resources and she stated that there would be Powerpoints added to the instructor resource site as well as assessments. The current instructor manual has activities and exercises too. I am transitioning from teaching with a library-licensed ebook to this book in the fall and will also share anything I come up with as I go through. I'm happy to have found this community!

Sofia Montero

University of Texas- Rio Grande Valley