Technology Resources for Concepts of Biology

by Theresa Martin 7 years, 1 month ago

Hi there,

Has anyone has any experience with the technology apps that go with Concepts of Biology?  I am teaching an introductory biology course online next semester, and am looking for an adaptive learning product to pair with the text. It needs to integrate with Canvas, and I notice that WileyPlus offers such a product. Has anyone tried WileyPlus or another product you can recommend?

Thanks! Theresa (College of San Mateo)

Suzanne Wakim 7 years, 1 month ago

Some of our instructors use Sapling Learning to go with the Concepts of Biology text.  They have been using it for a few semesters and seem happy with it.

Suzanne Wakim (OER Coordinator; Butte Community College)

Theresa Martin 7 years, 1 month ago

Hi Suzanne,

Thanks for that information. I will look into it. Right now, Sapling is not listed as one of the apps on our Canvas platform, but I see from the Sapling website link you sent that they do have Canvas integration.

Thanks! Theresa