Welcome to the Principles of Microeconomics community!
by Sonya Bennett-Brandt 8 years, 5 months agoThis group is a place to view resources created by users of our free, open Principles of Microeconomics text and to create, upload, and share your own resources. You can use the “Discussions” tab to engage with other members of the Principles of Microeconomics community. Reply to a thread or create your own discussion now!
Thank you Sonya. I am currently adopting this book for use at Ohlone College in Fremont CA
Welcome to the Hub!
Hi Sonya,
I am meeting tomorrow with a group of faculty that are looking to use OER in their Economic courses. Of course I'm thrilled so I'm setting up a Canvas course with the content. However, I cannot import the test bank as a QTI file for Micro or Macro . Any suggestions?
Thanks a bunch