Audiobook for Psychology 2e

by Judith Wightman 4 years, 1 month ago

Hello! I just adopted Psychology 2e and am wondering if anyone knows of plans to record an audio version with a human reader? If not, I would like to tackle this. My community college has good recording equipment, and my teaching schedule is mostly online this semester, so I think I could do it and would post the files to the OER Commons site. I'm just wondering if anyone is already working on this so I don't duplicate their efforts. Thanks!

Emily Boucher 1 year, 1 month ago

Hi Judith! I just recently adopted this textbook to use for the first time this upcoming year. Found this comment and am wondering if you created the audiobook edition as suggested here? An audiobook of this would be amazing because I've yet to find it on Learning Ally. Thank you! Hope your year went well!