Welcome to the U.S. History community!
by Sonya Bennett-Brandt 8 years, 4 months agoThis group is a place to view resources created by users of our free, open U.S. History text and to create, upload, and share your own resources. You can use the “Discussions” tab to engage with other members of the U.S. History community. Reply to a thread or create your own discussion now!
Moodle Uploading Question
Hi Sonya--I'm going to use OpenStax US History in a new Indiana University dual-enrolled US history course this coming fall 2019 and my high school is using Canvas, so the Canvas Coursepack should load the test questions and other resources into my classes easily. We use Moodle at the college I teach my online US history courses---and I don't see an easy way to load in question banks for that LMS. Can you help me? I plan on using the campus IT dept but some early advice would be welcome.
Brian McCall
Interlochen Arts Academy
Northwestern Michigan College