May 22nd, 2024

OTAP-RSOI Programs added Inclusive Education in Oregon: Exploring Resources to Empower Access for All Learners

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on May 22, 06:32pm

OTAP-RSOI Programs added Inclusive Education in Oregon: Exploring Resources to Empower Access for All Learners

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on May 22, 06:31pm
May 20th, 2024

Debra Fitzgibbons added Self-Advocacy: The Basics

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on May 20, 01:33pm

OTAP-RSOI Programs added Access for All: Navigating Accessibility Supports on Oregon Statewide Assessments

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on May 20, 01:24pm
May 09th, 2024

OTAP-RSOI Programs added AEM in Your Community

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on May 09, 01:47pm

OTAP-RSOI Programs added The Importance for Families to Understand How AEM Can Create Possibilities in Education

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on May 09, 01:24pm

OTAP-RSOI Programs added The Importance for Families to Understand How AEM Can Create Possibilities in Education

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on May 09, 01:23pm

OTAP-RSOI Programs added Empowering Transitions: Accessible Educational Materials Paving the Way for Blind Students

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on May 09, 11:19am

OTAP-RSOI Programs added Empowering Transitions: Accessible Educational Materials Paving the Way for Blind Students

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on May 09, 11:18am

OTAP-RSOI Programs added Empowering Transitions: Accessible Educational Materials Paving the Way for Blind Students

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on May 09, 11:18am

OTAP-RSOI Programs added Partnering with Oregon's Statewide Assistive Technology Program for Successful Outcomes

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on May 09, 10:20am
April 29th, 2024

OTAP-RSOI Programs added Webinar: After the Assessment: Ideas about AEM Classroom Implementation

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on Apr 29, 06:44pm

Aujalee Moore added Dyslexia Resources- PowerPoint & Screener

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on Apr 29, 04:44pm
April 25th, 2024

Aujalee Moore added Running a Factory

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on Apr 25, 02:31pm
April 23rd, 2024

Debra Fitzgibbons added Lesson

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on Apr 23, 05:15pm

Debra Fitzgibbons added Lesson

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on Apr 23, 05:15pm
April 12th, 2024

OTAP-RSOI Programs added Programmatic Accessibility for Successful Transition into Workforce Development Programs

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on Apr 12, 04:27pm
April 09th, 2024

Debra Fitzgibbons added Webinar: AEM in Transition to Workforce Development

to Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on Apr 09, 11:42am

Debra Fitzgibbons removed Webinar: AEM and Universal Tools for Transition

from Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on Apr 09, 11:41am

Debra Fitzgibbons removed Webinar: Bridge to Postsecondary Education

from Oregon Accessible Educational Materials - on Apr 09, 11:40am