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Think Before You Eat: How Can We Reduce Plastic Pollution?

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The lessons in this project were developed as part of a collaborative effort between the Oregon Department of Education - Oregon Healthy Schools grant, and Multnomah ESD. Educators designed projects that integrated health or physical education standards with either math or science standards.  Project Summary:The project, “Think Before You Eat” is designed to provide students with a voice to be a change agent for their future environment and community. The motto for this unit, “If we know better, we do better.”Students will learn how plastic not only affects our earth's environment but also the harm it can have on us as individuals through the food chain. Students will identify these issues and develop new ways to create healthier alternatives for everyone by reducing plastic pollution. If we use less plastic, we eat less plastic. Students will create awareness in order to impact their communities.

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan, Unit of Study

Author: Suzanne Hidde

Grade 9 Health Education Opioid Prevention Lessons

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This lesson begins a sequence of twelve lessons intended to be taught over the course of a student’s high school career, focusing on substance use, misuse, and abuse as well as mental health. This particular lesson challenges students to identify the internal and external influences that impact their health behaviors. Particular attention is paid to substance use, misuse, and abuse as well as mental health, however, influences on health are related to all topic areas.

Material Type: Assessment, Lesson, Lesson Plan

Author: Suzanne Hidde

Anatomy & Periods

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Students will learn about the basics of sexual and reproductive anatomy, as well as periods  and menstrual care. This lesson is not intended to be divided by gender. We recommend all students learn together, as there is value in understanding all body types and functions, additionally this practice can help students de-stigmatize the natural variations in bodies and experiences.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Sex Ed Open Learning Project

Let's Talk About Making Decisions, 9-12 Lesson 3

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The lesson presents a definition of sex and asserts consent is a key aspect of healthy sexual experiences. Students will define the various parts of consent and review Oregon’s laws regarding consent, sex, and minors. They will investigate what influences their decisions about sex, and will then follow a fictional couple through various decision-making processes around deciding to or not to have sex, the use of birth control, pregnancy options, and decisions around parenting. Students will also research local reproductive and sexual health clinics.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Sex Ed Open Learning Project