October 12th, 2022

Sex Ed Open Learning Project added Let's Talk About Sex Ed, 9-12 Lesson 1

to Oregon Health - on Oct 12, 04:31pm

Sex Ed Open Learning Project added Condoms & STIs

to Oregon Health - on Oct 12, 04:31pm

Sex Ed Open Learning Project added Sex, Reproduction, and Contraception

to Oregon Health - on Oct 12, 04:25pm

Sex Ed Open Learning Project added Anatomy & Periods

to Oregon Health - on Oct 12, 04:25pm

Sex Ed Open Learning Project added Let's Talk About Ourselves, 9-12 Lesson 2

to Oregon Health - on Oct 12, 04:25pm
May 11th, 2022
OER Commons

Boundaries Video (Grade 4) was unpublished by the OER Commons

from Oregon Health - on May 11, 12:01pm
March 16th, 2022

Suzanne Hidde added Yoga Shapes: Let’s Learn Geometry with our Bodies!

to Oregon Health - on Mar 16, 03:55pm

Suzanne Hidde added Lesson

to Oregon Health - on Mar 16, 03:15pm
February 17th, 2022
OER Commons

My Future-My Choice Lesson 9: Recognizing and Reducing the Risks was unpublished by the OER Commons

from Oregon Health - on Feb 17, 01:05pm
OER Commons

My Future-My Choice Lesson 8: Making Healthy Decisions was unpublished by the OER Commons

from Oregon Health - on Feb 17, 01:05pm
OER Commons

My Future-My Choice Lesson 4: Advantages of postponing sexual involvement was unpublished by the OER Commons

from Oregon Health - on Feb 17, 01:05pm
OER Commons

My Future-My Choice Lesson 1: Changes was unpublished by the OER Commons

from Oregon Health - on Feb 17, 01:05pm
October 27th, 2021

Angie Foster-Lawson added Lesson

to Oregon Health - on Oct 27, 01:43pm
October 11th, 2021

Vanessa Clark added Safety First: Real Drug Education for Teens

to Oregon Health - on Oct 11, 12:34pm
October 08th, 2021

Suzanne Hidde added Online Health Educators Unite

to Oregon Health - on Oct 08, 04:03pm