Career Education & Job Searching

Six Steps To Job Search Success

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This book is a practical discussion of six actionable steps that students can take to land a job regardless of the market. Whether the estimate is 25% unemployment or single-digit unemployment, that number doesn't apply to any one student. For any individual, the unemployment rate is 0% or 100%. One either has a job or doesn't. When any one person is looking for a job and there is 10% unemployment, that person just wants to be one of the nine people that has a job.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Caroline Ceniza-Levine, Connie Thanasoulis-Cerrachio

Career Development and Job Search - Student Learning Outcomes

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Pre/Post Test for Career and Job search classTopic:Student Learning Outcomes for a Career Development and Job Search class.Overview:To assess learning, both for instructional purposes and on an individual student level, I find it helpful to have students complete both a pre-test and a post-test.  One assessment is given at the beginning of the semester and the identical assessment is again completed at the end of the semester.  The questions focus on course contents, such as self-exploration activites, career exploration and job search techniques.  The results are used to complete Student Learning Outcomes and, additionally, students compare their pre and post tests as the basis for the final class paper.

Material Type: Assessment

Author: Matt Fox

Job Shadow Day Experience

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This lesson is for high school students (usually sophomores-seniors).  It can be adapted for middle school.Each student participates in a Job Shadow Day experience.  This was originally adapted from the National Groundhog Job Shadow Day.  Job Shadow experiences provide students with real-life experiences at jobs that match their career interests.  The day can be ½ day or full day, depending on school policy, distance to travel, transportation to and from and other logistics for the students to attend.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Loyce Ellingrod

Careers in Demand

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Apprenticeships are a win-win situation for both employers and the apprentices. Employers get a talent pipeline of skilled employees, and apprentices earn money while they learn the skills of the trade. You can find apprenticeships in a broad range of industries: manufacturing, information technology, healthcare, construction, and more. Employers, employer and labor groups, and trade associations sponsor apprenticeships. They often partner with local colleges to deliver the classroom instruction.

Material Type: Primary Source

Author: PBS LearningMedia

Work-Based Courses: Bringing College to the Production Line

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Learn about work-based courses: credit-bearing community college courses redesigned in partnership with employers so that competencies are taught both in the classroom or lab and on the job. This collection of videos from Jobs for the Future (JFF) examines the major stages of program design and implementation and explains how each stakeholder—including colleges, manufacturing employers, and incumbent workers—benefits. Support materials offer active viewing questions and targeted links to a toolkit that contains guidance for those interested in implementing work-based courses in their college or workplace.

Material Type: Case Study

Author: PBS LearningMedia

Careers in Demand

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Careers in Demand is ideal for high school students trying to determine which career pathway is right for them. The collection provides a snapshot of what a career in one of Kentucky’s high-demand industries might look like, including education and experi­ence needed to get these jobs, salary ranges, work environment, and the projected number of job openings over a five-year period.

Material Type: Primary Source

Author: Kentucky Career Center

American Graduate: Getting to Work

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What are the essential skills needed for students and workers to succeed in the job markets of today and tomorrow? Working with community partners to assess workforce challenges and opportunities, KCPT and Flatland are exploring the future of the workforce in Kansas City. Use these videos and resources to bring the conversation to the classroom and to those who matter most -- the workers of tomorrow!

Material Type: Lesson Plan, Primary Source

Author: PBS LearningMedia

Career Hacks for Workforce Readiness

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Success in one’s career depends on much more than just earning good grades in school. Help increase learners’ workforce readiness by building strengths in key interpersonal skills, such as problem solving, leadership, communication, teamwork and collaboration, and critical thinking, using this collection of resources produced by WGBH. The resources can be used to engage learners with media and prompt rich discussion in the classroom and other educational settings. The collection is currently in development. Browse the initial set of resources—focused on nonverbal communication—and return for new content to be added over time.

Material Type: Lesson, Primary Source

Author: PBS LearningMedia

Career Education Jenga

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On the blocks of the Jenga game, the teacher will write different career-related questions for students to answer.  These questions should help students further explore Career Education curriculum Goals and Outcomes.This game can be played different ways, be creative!

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson

Author: Aujalee Moore

Rock Your LinkedIn Profile

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Explore how to create a LinkedIn profile that brings your personal career story to life, whether you’re just starting out, seeking to advance, or making a career change. This course offers tips on tailoring each section, starting with the key insight that a LinkedIn profile is unique and shouldn’t be approached exactly like a resume. The class covers ways to add media to a profile, methods for showcasing your career accomplishments and aspirations, and specific examples of profile phrases and language that can help inspire your personal story.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson

Author: Michael Sledzinski

Employability Skills

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UNIT GOAL:     To create a resume and cover letter for job search and to research skills needed for employment.UNIT OBJECTIVES:Effectively demonstrate the components of a resumeKnow why a cover letter must be included with a resumeUnderstand the importance of a resumeUnderstand the importance of a cover letterDemonstrate how to research companies for employment purposesMATERIALS:Computer with MS Word and Internet AccessComputer Template for Cover LetterComputer Template for ResumeBefore class:  List objectives on projection screen using PowerPoint slideDISCUSSION:Why is research important in job search?What is research?When do you research a company?How do you research a company?How do you find out about companies hiring for postions you are interested in?What is a cover letter?What is a resume?ACTIVITIES:Use MS Word template to type a resumeUse MS Word template to type a cover letterPrint both documentsGo onto the internet and search for specific jobsWrite down three jobs that are of interest to youPrint out the web page for each company 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Michelle Di Liberto

Career Development Toolkit: K-12 Lesson Plans

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This site is a comprehensive program of career development including lessons for students in every grade between K-12. These 99 lessons are aligned with the Nebraska Career Development model, which consists of three segments: self-awareness, career exploration, and career planning and management. Our goal is to inspire individuals to turn their passion, talent, and abilities into successful careers and fulfilling lives. The program toolkit is appropriate for schools including Special Education and High Ability Learners, vocational rehabilitation programs, and with business, industry, and community partnerships, programs can achieve systemic career development for every student.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Nebraska Department of Education


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This is a project based course designed to help middle school students explore career options using the Nebraska Career Education Model and understand the Nebraska Career Readiness Standards. The course is organized by three themes – Making it My Choice, A World of Options and Charting a Direction – with culminating individual and group projects. Students will define career clusters and pathways, describe examples of career readiness, utilize self-assessments to better understand interests, establish a career portfolio and create a personal learning plan to provide direction to high school and post-high school activities. This course is aligned to American School Counselor Association Standards for Students, uses Nebraska Career Connections an online career information system and integrates EducationQuest tools and resources for middle school students.Recommended Level: Grades 7-8Course Code:  320300

Material Type: Full Course, Lesson Plan, Unit of Study

Authors: Terri Donahue, Dorann Avey, Sydney Kobza, Katie Graham, Donna Hoffman