All resources in Oregon Personal Financial Education

Mini-Unit: Insurance

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In this mini-unit, students learn basic vocabulary about insurance and then play an online game called “That’s a Bummer” to practice knowledge learned. Additional activities in this lesson include an insurance edpuzzle, video resources, reflection questions, and an insurance math worksheet. Class Time Needed: 4 to 5 Class Periods

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Janell Bowles

Credit Card Analysis

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In this example, students are asked to obtain a credit card disclosure statement, identify the various interest rates and payment rules, and keep track of a revolving monthly balance under several payment scenarios. While modeling several months to a year of credit card statements is easily accomplished with pencil, paper, and a basic calculator, this example is also well-suited for analysis with a spreadsheet.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Stuart Boersma

Getting Real About Interest Rates

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Do you know the difference between nominal and real interest rates? If you're not sure, then it's time to "get real" about interest rates. In this episode of The Economic Lowdown, you will learn how inflation influences the real return on your deposits, how it impacts borrowers and lenders differently, and why price stability—a responsibility of the Federal Reserve System—is important.

Material Type: Lecture

Introduction to interest

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Interest is effectively a rent on money. In this video, we think about what an interest rate really is. Learn about the difference between simple interest and compound interest and how interest is calculated on a loan using an example of calculating the interest rate on a loan. Created by Sal Khan.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Sal Khan

Interest (part 2)

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In this video, we expand the equation to calculate simple interest for a single period, P*(1+r), to calculate interest when interest is charged for more than one period and that interest is compounded at different intervals. By doing so, we can better understand the difference between simple and compound interest. Created by Sal Khan.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Sal Khan

Finance and capital markets: Interest

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This 9 minute video will show students how to calculate interest and then shows them the difference when interest is calculated using simple v. compounded. This video will also discuss interest as "the cost of money" and demonstrates in examples how much a person borrows v. pays back when the interest rate is low v. high. This video will enforce the standards EPF. 13 and 18

Material Type: Lecture

Introduction to interest

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Interest is effectively a rent on money. In this video, we think about what an interest rate really is. Learn about the difference between simple interest and compound interest and how interest is calculated on a loan using an example of calculating the interest rate on a loan. Created by Sal Khan.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Sal Khan