All resources in Oregon Social Science

Teaching Elections in Washington State: Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities

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Educators need civics curriculum that informs and engages students. Teaching Elections in Washington State is written in partnership with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and Washington teachers to do just that. For more resources visit: Civics Education | Washington Office of Secretary of State - Elections and Voting Teaching Resources Toolkit | Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan, Module, Unit of Study

Authors: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Washington Secretary of State


The State We're In: Washington (Chinese Translation)

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Seattle Public Schools OER Grant has produced Chinese translations of The State We're In for use in Middle School Mandarin Dual Language Immersion Programs. The State We’re In: Washington is an online and printed educational publication written by Jill Severn for the League of Women Voters of Washington Education Fund. Part of a larger Civic Education Project, this instructional resource establishes the link between public participation and effective government. Colorful graphs, historical photos and thought-provoking illustrations help to describe the basics of government, and the connection between a governing authority and culture and economy. Young readers and adults alike will gain a robust sense of past and present tribal governance and their relationship to state and local government in Washington. 

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Thad Williams

The State We're In: Washington (Spanish Translation)

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Overview: Seattle Public Schools OER Grant has produced Spanish translations of The State We're In for use in Middle School Spanish Dual Language Immersion Programs. The State We’re In: Washington is an online and printed educational publication written by Jill Severn for the League of Women Voters of Washington Education Fund. Part of a larger Civic Education Project, this instructional resource establishes the link between public participation and effective government. Colorful graphs, historical photos and thought-provoking illustrations help to describe the basics of government, and the connection between a governing authority and culture and economy. Young readers and adults alike will gain a robust sense of past and present tribal governance and their relationship to state and local government in Washington. 

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Thad Williams

The State We're In: Washington - Teacher's Guide Chapter 10: Good Citizen

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This is a Teacher's Guide for The State We're In Washington: Your guide to state, tribal and local government. These quides are developed by members of the Washington State Social Studies Cadre.Chapter 10 focuses on the cultural, economic, political, environmental, and ecological ways in which people in Washington can become actively engaged citizens and make a difference in their communities. 

Material Type: Lesson, Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Barbara Soots, Callie Birklid, Washington OSPI OER Project, Jerry Price

Give Meaning to Freedom and Liberty

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This inquiry is intended to have students civically engaged by becoming familiar with common terms such as liberty and freedom while toiling with their similarities through primary sources from the early influences of American democracy, documents leading to and written at the formation of United States’ government; all the way to the voices of the Americans who argued their promise of liberty and freedom wasn’t fulfilled. Resource created by Jacob Muir, Sidney Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council

Property Taxes

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This inquiry leads students through an investigation of property taxes in Nebraska. It focuses on the history, administration, and use of revenue from the taxes. Relief efforts both past and current will be analyzed with students formulating their own solutions. Resource created by Dan Gossman, Johnson-Brock Public Schools, as part of the Nebraska ESUCC Social Studies Special Projects 2023 - Inquiry Design Model (IDM).

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Nebraska OER, ESU Coordinating Council

Structured Academic Controversy

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Civics Learning Project Resources:Introduce the concept of “Civil Discourse”, emphasizing that it focuses on conversation to enhance understanding. To help students think about the concept, pose questions, such as:●  What does a person engaged in a conversation look and sound like?●  What is the difference between conversation and debate?●  What should a successful classroom discussion look and sound like?

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Amit

United States Government and Civics

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This course will provide an introduction to the major ideas, institutions, and issues in American government and politics. The focus is on how the structure of our political system influences the practice of politics at the national level -- the ongoing struggles among competing groups and individuals for influence over government activities and public policy.

Material Type: Full Course

Author: Deanna Mayers

United States Government and Civics

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This course will provide an introduction to the major ideas, institutions, and issues in American government and politics. The focus is on how the structure of our political system influences the practice of politics at the national level -- the ongoing struggles among competing groups and individuals for influence over government activities and public policy.

Material Type: Full Course

Author: Deanna Mayers

Book 5, Music Across the Classrooms: STEAM. Chapter 12, Lesson 1: The Science and Civics of the Flint Water Crisis (High School Version)

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In this lesson, students listen to Flint-based rapper Jon Connor's song "Fresh Water for Flint" to better understand the sense of frustration and injustice people living in the city felt during the water crisis. Students then experiment with creating their own water filtration system to better understand the scientific and engineering principles behind water treatment. Lastly, they consider the biological effects of lead poisoning and determine specific, political, economic, and scientific causes behind the Flint water crisis.

Material Type: Full Course

POLSC232: American Government

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The scope and emphasis of this course go beyond a general understanding of civics to incorporate the core concepts of the American system of government, the workings of its myriad of actors and agencies, the key components of "politics" in the American system, and how American government shapes and influences the individual freedoms and rights of its citizens.

Material Type: Full Course

Author: Saylor Academy

ESL: Basic American English/Civics 2

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Module 3 of the ESL course explores the role of language in communication. The lessons consist of discussions on different ways people communicate and the different languages in the classroom. Through fun activities like a game and role-play, students review vocabulary and language. Grammar focus is on the simple present tense and present continuous tense. Students learn the difference between the two tenses, and practice using them.    

Material Type: Lesson, Module

Author: Lathika Sadasivan

ESL: Basic American English/Civics 2

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Entitled Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, this is Module 8 of 16 modules for the ESL course. Verbal and written discussions, in-class and LMS assignments, and group activities reinforce the vocabulary related to health and wellness. Grammar focus is on simple present and simple past tense verbs. hrough charts, and worksheets, students reflect on their lifestyles – diet, exercise for physical health. Emotional, spiritual, and mental health aspects are also discussed in this module.

Material Type: Lesson, Module

Author: Lathika Sadasivan

ESL: Basic American English/Civics 2

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This is Module 2 of 16 modules in the ESL course. Lessons cover new experiences of immigrants in America. Grammar focus is on past tense verbs. Students practice the three different sounds of past tense form of regular verbs. The role play activity gives students more practice on verbs. There is also a reading and writing activity on Labor Day.  

Material Type: Module

Author: Lathika Sadasivan

ESL: Basic American English/Civics 2

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American Heritage, American Experience is the title of Module 12 of the ESL course. Lessons on American symbols, celebrations, school systems, states, capitals are among topics covered in this module. Discussions on the meaning of ‘heritage’ and assignments sharpen student awareness of the American culture. Prompts also urge students to compare and contrast their different native cultures to American culture.

Material Type: Lesson, Module

Author: Lathika Sadasivan