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Student Theater, Advanced-Mid, ASL 301 Lab 05

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Students will review what theatrical interpreters consider when signing live performances. After creating a list together, students will be grouped into two or three, analyze their movie clip and work together to interpret it. Students will learn more about interpreting live performances, and how to best interpret performances.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Amber Hoye, Sarra Foerster, Camille Daw, Mimi Fahnstrom

Family Tree, ASL, Novice Mid

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In this activity, students will practice talking about their families and each other's families. Students will begin by describing famous families and how each member is related to each other. Then they will practice fingerspelling names. Their main activity will be to describe their family tree with a partner and then describe their partner's family tree. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Camille Daw, Amber Hoye

Arabic Level 1, Activity 14: "مُرَاجَعَة مَا سَبَق / Review" (Face-to-Face/Online)

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In this activity, students will practice three main lessons they took in previous chapters, which are the Subject Pronouns, the Demonstrative Pronouns, and the Nisba Adjective.Can-Do Statements:I can use call someone according to their pronouns.I can use this and that in a conversation for either feminine or masculine forms.I can say someone's nationality from the country name.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Sara Bakari, Amber Hoye