Practice driving skills for newbies

by horse manhim 10 months, 1 week ago

Practicing driving skills for newbies is important because it affects current traffic. Equipping the necessary Skills is extremely important.

1. Move at the right speed on each section of the road
Moving at the same speed as other cars is a very effective rule when you are actually driving. Therefore, you need to pay attention to traffic density to make appropriate adjustments. Do not drive at a speed lower or higher than the speed of other vehicles. This is very dangerous and can even lead to accidents.

2. Control the steering wheel at the appropriate level
When you understeer, the front tires lose friction on the road surface and will be pushed out of the lane by inertia. If you drive too much, the same loss of friction will occur with the rear tire. When traveling on slippery roads or icy areas, you should not accelerate too much. Adjusting to a moderate, appropriate driving speed will keep you safe during the journey.

3. Adjusting the mirror to the right position eliminates blind spots

According to the experience of longtime drivers, adjusting the mirror to the right position will help you have a wide view practise in Eggy Car. Therefore, to ensure safety during travel, you need to remember the position of the mirror simply as follows: The driver's and passenger's rearview mirrors should only reflect a quarter of the vehicle and a portion of the wing. its back. The rearview mirror of the cabin should reflect the rear seat window in the center position.
3. Use the handbrake to turn the car when necessary

Similar to the left foot braking technique, the technique of using the handbrake to turn the car also requires the driver to practice regularly. This technique helps you in emergencies or when you have to turn around when the road is slippery. However, you should not use this technique often on asphalt, as it can cause premature tire wear.