All resources in PTECH Instructors OER

The Federal Reserve Act Explained

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The 1913 Federal Reserve Act created the modern day Federal Reserve system. In this lecture we explain the basics of what the law did and how the Fed influences the economy. Perfect for APGOV students or anyone seeking an overview of US Monetary policy.

Material Type: Lecture

Finance and capital markets: CPI Index

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This15 minute video will aid students in understanding the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and how the price of goods / services are monitored to help sustain a nation's economic goals and growth. This video will aid in the mastery of standard EPF. 5 (a) and enforce EPF. 5 in (b) (c) (d)

Material Type: Lecture

Finance and capital markets: Interest

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This 9 minute video will show students how to calculate interest and then shows them the difference when interest is calculated using simple v. compounded. This video will also discuss interest as "the cost of money" and demonstrates in examples how much a person borrows v. pays back when the interest rate is low v. high. This video will enforce the standards EPF. 13 and 18

Material Type: Lecture

Five Inequality Myths

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Many people are concerned with growing income inequality, but according to Professor Antony Davies of Duquesne University, there are a lot of misconceptions about inequality. In this lecture, Professor Davies explores five common myths about inequality, covering topics like profit, types of equality, and the standard of living.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Antony Davies