All resources in School District of South Orange & Maplewood

Grade 3 - Elementary Science and Integrated Subjects: How Do Plants Grow and Survive

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Elementary Science and Integrated Subjects is a statewide Clime Time collaboration among ESD 123, ESD 105, and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Development of the resources is in response to a need for research- based science lessons for elementary teachers that are integrated with English language arts, mathematics and other subjects such as social studies. The template for Elementary integration can serve as an organized, coherent and research-based roadmap for teachers in the development of their own NGSS aligned science lessons.  Lessons can also be useful for classrooms that have no adopted curriculum as well as to serve as enhancements for  current science curriculum. The EFSIS project brings together grade level teams of teachers to develop lessons or suites of lessons that are 1) focused on grade level Performance Expectations, and 2) leverage ELA and Mathematics Washington State Learning Standards.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Reading, Unit of Study

Authors: Georgia Boatman, Barbara Soots, Ellen Ebert, Kimberley Astle, Washington OSPI OER Project

Grade 4 - Elementary Science and Integrated Subjects: Sage Grouse and Sagebrush, Threatened Partners

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Elementary Science and Integrated Subjects is a statewide Clime Time collaboration among ESD 123, ESD 105, and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Development of the resources is in response to a need for research- based science lessons for elementary teachers that are integrated with English language arts, mathematics and other subjects such as social studies. The template for Elementary Integration can serve as an organized, coherent and research-based roadmap for teachers in the development of their own NGSS aligned science lessons.  Lessons can also be useful for classrooms that have no adopted curriculum as well as to serve as enhancements for  current science curriculum. The EFSIS project brings together grade level teams of teachers to develop lessons or suites of lessons that are 1) focused on grade level Performance Expectations, and 2) leverage ELA and Mathematics Washington State Learning Standards.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan, Module, Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Georgia Boatman, Barbara Soots, Ellen Ebert, Kimberley Astle, Washington OSPI OER Project

Coastal Hazards STEM Seminar Presentation Draft

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This STEM Seminar covers the topic of coastal hazards and how they relate to climate change. The goals of this training are to develop an understanding of coastal hazards relating to climate change, demonstrate NGSS, and prepare teachers to conduct this work in their own classroom. This presentation is driven by the Next Generation Science Standards. In particular this training allows participants to practice various Science & Engineering Practices, such as "Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)." 

Material Type: Lesson

Authors: Shannon Brennan, Becky Bronstein

Sample Permissions Request Letter

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If there is a resource you would like to use in your OER project that is not openly licensed, in the public domain, or usable under fair use, permission from the copyright holder is required. Here is some sample wording for that permissions request. Please adapt as suits your situation.Cover mage by Andrew Lloyd Gordon from Pixabay 

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Barbara Soots

STC Genes and Molecular Machines, Four Families Phenomenon

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This resource is a phenomenon-based adaption to the Smithsonian's STCMS Genes and Molecular Machines kit. The anchoring phenomenon event features four families (apple, hydra, human and sea star). Students will investigate and explore the genetic causes of why some families look similar and others look different. Students will use models to explain their thinking throughout the intentional sequence of lessons.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Lesson Plan

Author: Amanda Jenkins

"Voices of Hope: Climate Science"

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Purpose of UnitThe purpose of this Climate Science NTC Project GLAD® unit is a call to action, providing equity of access for all students. Through a model of instruction that promotes language development within core content, the Voices of Hope unit teaches students the science behind climate change and equips them with the tools necessary toward making a positive impact on our planet. This unit was written for 4th - 7th grade.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Full Course, Lesson Plan, Reading

Author: Kate Lindholm

Modeling Erosion Prevention Strategies

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This lesson from Common Threads Farm is geared towards upper elementary ages but can be modified for lower elementary easily. In this lesson students will observe ways that erosion is being prevented on their school grounds and observe the difference in how water reacts to permeable and impermeable surfaces. Students will use this knowledge to make models of communities and must consider erosion prevention strategies as each community will experience a model heavy precipitation event. By observing how their models react to the water and by discussing limitations to their models students will gain a deeper understanding of erosion and modeling.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson

Author: Jenna Deane

Native American Stories Science Connections

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The original Native American story component lesson was developed as part of an Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and Washington State Leadership and Assistance for Science Education Reform (LASER) project funded through an EPA Region 10 grant. The stories were told by Roger Fernandes of the Lower Elwha Klallam tribe. Mr. Fernandes has been given permission by the tribes to tell these stories.As these lessons and stories were shared prior to the adoption of the Washington State Science Learning Standards in 2013, there was a need to align these stories with the current science standards. This resource provides a current alignment and possible lesson suggestions on how these stories can be incorporated into the classroom. This alignment work has been funded by the NGSS & Climate Science Proviso of the Washington State Legislature as a part of North Central Educational Service District's award.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: MECHELLE LALANNE, Barbara Soots, Ellen Ebert, Carissa Haug, Johanna Brown, Lori Henrickson, Kimberley Astle

Physics of a Changing Climate: Energy Conservation and Transfer

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Developed within Northwest Educational Service District's 2019-20 ClimeTime climate science teacher education proviso grant, this workshop is an opportunity for teachers to gain a better understanding of the physics that drive the climate system and the ocean circulation as well as the implications of a changing climate. This course is an opportunity for teachers to gain a better understanding of the physics that drive the climate system and the ocean circulation as well as the implications of a changing climate. The first module encompasses Earth’s radiation balance and the transfer of energy. The second gives an overview of the ocean circulation, which accomplishes energy (heat) transport. There will be a demo to illustrate the importance of density in the circulation and the vertical structure of the ocean. The third module discusses the greenhouse effect and global climate change, along with how ocean circulation impacts climate and how a changing climate might impact the ocean circulation. Lastly, we demo a simple climate model coded in Excel that predicts global mean temperature change.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Sarah Ragen

Using Air Quality Phenomena to Explore Ambitious Science Teaching Practices

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The materials in this collection provide the slides and handouts used for a three day, elementary teacher, professional learning event.  During this event, teachers practiced modeling their thinking about air pollution from recent Pacific Northwest fires.  We used this phonemena to explore ways to help students make their thinking visible (modleing the system) and track changes in thinking over time (summary tables).  We also worked on listening to student discourse to identify student ideas and consider moves to press on their thinking.  This was an NGSS pedagogy workshop series using air pollution as the phenomena to explore supportive teaching strategies. 

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Cheryl Lydon

Saving The Sand Dunes

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This nonfiction text discusses how a fourth grade class at Union Avenue School worked hard to protect the New Jersey shoreline by planting recycled Christmas trees in the sand. The trees prevent high tides from flooding sand dunes, which serve as animal habitats and also protect peoples homes.

Material Type: Lesson Plan, Unit of Study

Elevated Rehabilitation Facility Functions Flawlessly Through Hurricane Sandy

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During Hurricane Sandy, as the storm surge incapacitated buildings all along the New York and New Jersey coasts, Seagate Seagate Rehabilitation & Nursing Center functioned precisely as planned. At the peak of the storm, floodwaters filled the parking area and reached the lobby door, but did not enter the building. Emergency power generators remained safe and supplied backup power for four days despite an area-wide power outage. The nursing home’s emergency plans for food and medical supplies enabled staff and patients to shelter in place despite limited transportation for incoming supplies. Seagate not only provided continuous care to its residents during and after Sandy, it also assisted local community members seeking food and shelter.

Material Type: Case Study

Elementary Digital Citizenship Hotlist

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This annotated list is intended to provide teachers links to resources that can be used to teach digital citizenship and other technology related concepts and skills. The resources listed are considered free to use but are not necessarily openly licensed materials unless otherwise noted. Feel free to remix this document to delete any links that are not useful to you and add any resources you find worthwhile.

Material Type: Lesson, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: MSDE Admin, andrew robertson

Introduction to Digital Citizenship: Grade 4

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This unit is adapted from Common Sense Education's Digital Citizenship Curriculum for Grades 3-5 to include ideas on how to integrate education technology, using formative and summative assessment tools, such as Kahoot! and Socrative. There is also an example of how to use a QR code linked to AnswerGarden, another type of assessment tool.

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Aimee Guerrero