Identifying a resource to use

by Megan Simmons 3 years, 1 month ago

Use any of the search tools - search, advanced search, filter results, or browse any of the hub groups or collections - to find a resource you can use. Share a link to the resource, what you like about it, and how you plan to use it by replying below.

Jane Bean-Folkes 3 years, 1 month ago

I searched for decodable texts in OER. I found the material interesting with regards to our phonics work -

Maria-Daphne Kazanis 3 years, 1 month ago

Building Literacy in Collaborative Classroom: Toys and Play

This was an interesting resource that I found using Advanced Search with the limiters of "K-2 grade level" and "Librarian".

It is a comprehensive educational resource which encompasses Units and lesson of study, pacing guide, materials needed, examples of literature to be read.  The lessons focus upon SEL, care of materials, collaborative work, literature, reading skills,  some mathematice is the form pf creating graphs, early creative writing and unstructured play.




Lora Tazewell 3 years, 1 month ago

In searching for "black authors" in an advanced and middle school search, there were no results. I've tried again using the term "ethnic authors" and received a good number of hits. 

I was pleased to find a great article on James Baldwin's novel, Fire Next Time. This is a great resource for a middle/ high school ELA teachers and students.

What impressed me most are the primary sources located at the bottom of the page - all of which may be used to support a complete author study unit on James Baldwin. 

Primary Source Sets - The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin

Jennifer Latimer 3 years, 1 month ago

Madam CJ Walker  - Resource from the New York Historical Society. This is a great resource with primary sources, vocabulary and discussion topics. 

The main site for the museum is I like that it discusses women's history from different time periods and can be used elementary to high school.

Screenshot of webpage

Janine Guida Poutre 3 years, 1 month ago

I'm looking for new Primary vs. Secondary Sources lessons to use and this one was good.  I filtered for lower and upper primary.  I liked the Kahoot and the use of Brad Meltzer's book.  Even though I searched Lower primary, this was only for Upper Primary and Middle School, but that's fine.

Jameel Misbahuddin 3 years, 1 month ago

Using the advanced search, I couldn't find anything on Homestasis Assessments for high school biology.  I widened the search for just anything about homeostasis and found this simulation:

It's an exercise but I'll share it with the bio group to see if we can build an assessment from it.

Suzanne Ng 3 years, 1 month ago

One of the core novels taught is Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. This resource would be a great supplement to the classroom teachers' unit.

Evyn Degnan 3 years, 1 month ago

In the class that I teach, we talk about the creation, and protection of logos. I was able to find a resource that not only talks about logo protection and legality but also how specifically many native americans have been unfairly portrayed in logos across all different areas.

Jennifer Latimer 3 years, 1 month ago

This activity seems very complete. I liked how there were so many links and lesson pieces that you could use and adapt.

Jeffrey Cosgrave 3 years, 1 month ago

I searched for anything realted to Tolkien and came up with the following end assessment

Amy Popp 3 years, 1 month ago

I discovered the resource, "A Bear of a Poem: Composing and Performing Found Poetry" by searching for poetry and then filtering the results by primary grades.  This resource seems suitable for second, third, and fourth grade students.  This caught my eye because students love to write and  perform poetry using found words.

James Manno 3 years, 1 month ago

A resource that I shared with OER and was approved on 5-10-2021 is:

"Your resource has been published and cataloged in our digital library.  This means your item, Arts Integration in Practice: Cross-Curriculum, is fully accessible to all users and available for sharing across the site.
Thanks for contributing to the Open Education community."