All resources in SETC Learning Modules

Accessible Content for All: Building Equity & Engagement with Tech Tools

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Think about the diverse learners in your classroom. How do we engage ALL learners in the curriculum content?  In the Accessible Content for All modules, you will learn about Accessible Educational Material (AEM) and tech tools that are hidden in plain sight in your schools.  You will hear teacher accounts of using tools like read-aloud, closed captioning, and translation to increase student engagement.  These modules are self-paced and cover ways to create accessibility within Google, Microsoft, and IOS.  Peruse the modules and explore the topics you want to learn more about.  Create your own learning journey toward building accessibility, equity, and engagement in your classroom.

Material Type: Module

Authors: SETC CWU, Rose Racicot, Linda Doehle, Dan Herlihy, Kristin Leslie

Assistive Technology in the Schools: Assistive Technology Assessment

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In this module, we will explore how Individual Education Plan (IEP) teams can assess if assistive technology is required to reduce or remove learning barriers for students with a disability.  In the past, IEP teams have looked to specialists as experts to conduct an assistive technology assessment for their students. However, the IEP team is the best expert on their student. It is best practice for the IEP to conduct an AT assessment on their students, with each team member contributing in the area of the assessment that aligns with their expertise.  In this module, we will share the steps necessary for an assistive technology assessment, as well as resources and tools that will help the IEP team make data-informed decisions.  Assessment ideas for common types of assistive technology tools will be discussed, such as tools for reading, writing, and math.  In addition, resources will be shared for AT assessments that involve AT for vision, hearing, motor, and communication.  We will also share WA State support agencies who exist to guide IEP teams during the AT assessment process.  

Material Type: Module

Authors: SETC CWU, Linda Doehle, Dan Herlihy, Rose Racicot

Assistive Technology in the Schools: Introduction to Assistive Technology

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The Assistive Technology in the Schools Course aims to to familiarize educators and parents with assistive technology devices and services, and provide a foundational understanding of what it means to consider, assess, and implement assistive technology (AT) with students to remove learning barriers. This course includes four modules: Introduction to Assistive Technology,      AT Consideration, AT Assessment, and AT Implementation.  This first module, Introduction to Assistive Technology, highlights the difference between accessible technology and assistive technology. This module explores examples of how assistive technology devices and services can help reduce learning barriers for students with disabilities across learning environments. Module Objective:Participants will be able to understand and describe inclusive technology and the difference between accessible educational material(AEM), accessible technology, and assistive technology(AT). Participants will be able to identify 3 examples of assistive technology devices/tools that have the potential to remove learning barriers for students.Participants will be able to identify 2 examples of assistive technology services within the education system.

Material Type: Full Course, Module

Authors: SETC CWU, Linda Doehle, Dan Herlihy, Rose Racicot

Assistive Technology in the Schools: AT Consideration

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 Assistive technology (AT) can be a powerful tool to support students with disabilities.  The consideration of assistive technology for all students with an IEP is a requirement.   How can this be done with fidelity and who participates in the decision-making process?  These modules will provide educators and parents with resources on how to consider assistive technology. 

Material Type: Module

Authors: SETC CWU, Linda Doehle, Rose Racicot, Dan Herlihy

Unlocking Literacy for Students with Disabilities 1 of 4: Universal Tools & Strategies

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Comprehensive literacy instruction for all students requires the use of tools and strategies that make the instruction accessible. The Unlocking Literacy for Students with Disabilities Modules will build on what you already know about literacy instruction by demonstrating how strategic tools or strategies can make literacy instruction accessible to students with complex communication needs and physical disabilities. Best practices and research-based strategies for literacy instruction, as well as K-2 English Language Arts (ELA) Common Core State Standards (CCSS), will be included throughout all modules. Universal Strategies & Technology ToolsModule 1 will equip educators and parents with foundational tools and universal strategies to improve literacy instruction for students with complex communication needs and physical disabilities.  The foundational tools and strategies will be applied within subsequent Unlocking Literacy modules.

Material Type: Module

Authors: SETC CWU, Sarah Kinsella, Brenda Del Monte, Washington OSPI OER Project, Linda Doehle

Unlocking Literacy for Students with Disabilities: Module 2 of 4 - Alphabet & Phonological Awareness

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This module focuses on best practices for instruction on alphabet knowledge and phonological awareness.  Explicit Instruction and the Cycle Approach to teaching letters and sounds are highlighted.  Instructional strategies and tools to extend literacy instruction to students with complex communication needs and physical disabilities are discussed.  English Language Art Common Core Standards are provided, along with research on instructional strategies to address the standards. 

Material Type: Module

Authors: SETC CWU, Sarah Kinsella, Brenda Del Monte

Unlocking Literacy for Students with Disabilities: Module 3 of 4 - Emergent Reading

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An emergent reader is a young child who is in the early stages of learning to read. They are developing foundational reading skills and becoming aware of how written language works. Emergent readers rely on visual cues, context, and basic letter-sound knowledge to make sense of the text as they gradually build their reading abilities.  Emergent reading is defined as all of the behaviors and understandings of learners of any age that precede and develop into conventional reading. (Koppenhaver, Coleman, Kalman & Yoider 1991; Sulzby, 1985)Emergent reading strategies include providing opportunities for shared reading, self-selected reading, accessing various types of text, and building background knowledge. What if a student cannot hold a book and turn the pages of a book?  What if a student is non-speaking, how will they participate in reading experiences?  This module provides ideas for removing these barriers to provide rich emergent reading experiences for ALL students.

Material Type: Module, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: SETC CWU, Sarah Kinsella, Brenda Del Monte


Unlocking Literacy for Students with Disabilities: 4 of 4 - Emergent Writing

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How do students with physical disabilities learn to write?  In what ways can non-speaking students express the stories they have to share?  Module 4 describes how students with complex communication and physical access needs can participate in emergent writing.  The tools and strategies demonstrated in this module will provide teachers with guidance on how to support students with writing.  These tools and strategies will enable students to express ideas and share their learning.  Module 4 consists of the following sections:Introducing Emergent WritingPredictable Paths Toward WritingUsing Alternative Pencils for WritingUsing Eye Gaze Boards for WritingSpelling on High Tech - Keyboards & Phonetic KeyboardsCelebrating Student WritingWriting Implementation IdeasPairing Writing with PicturesPredictable Chart WritingEmergent Writing GoalsCommon Core Standards ReflectionResearch

Material Type: Module

Authors: Brenda Del Monte, Sarah Kinsella, SETC CWU