Sharing your original course materials
by Anita Walz 3 years, 3 months agoSeveral people mentioned interest in sharing their original course materials when they registered their interest in the book at
While you do not need an account to see and download items from OER Commons, you DO need an account to JOIN the Strategic Management Instructor Group (and to read member-only comments), to share your content via OER Commons, and to add it to the list of resources referenced for the instructor group. There is no cost to create an account.
Here is some guidance for those who wish to share:
- If the work you want to share is completely your original work (no added images/figures you did not create yourself, etc), you are encouraged to identify yourself as the copyright owner by adding "(c) YEAR, Your Name" and adding a Creative Commons license that allows adaptation of your work with attribution. (See #2 below to learn how to do that)
- If your work draws from (uses graphics from, etc.) the open textbook, Strategic Management, you must:
1) add an attribution somewhere on your work that conveys the following information (format and order of text is flexible): Adapted from [or graphic from] Strategic Management / Kennedy CC BY NC SA 3.0. and
2) License your work under the same license, CC BY NC SA 3.0. You do this by adding a statement "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial Share Alike 3.0 license" CC BY NC SA 3.0
- If you plan to incorporate illustrations, images, etc. on which you do not own copyright (e.g. things someone else made that do not have Creative Commons or other open license, or are not clearly marked as having an expired copyright - aka being in the Public Domain), you are encouraged to inform yourself regarding Best Practices in Fair Use for OER by reading pages 11-17 of
Further information on best practices for using and attributing Creative Commons-licensed works is available at:
You may use hosting/sharing tools build into OERCommons (OERCommons' OpenAuthor or other STABLE sites for hosting your work for example, your institution's digital repository or an institution-supported hosting environment such as GoogleDrive or stable institution website. Essentially, something that will remain even if you suddenly come into great wealth (or have other reasons) to leave your position at your institution.
You are also stronly encouraged to implement practices which allow students with disabilities to have equivalent access to the content you plan to share. While there is no one-size-fits-all for downloadable documents; what is helpful for one person might create a hindrance for others. Basic accessiblity practices include writing and adding Alternative Text for figures, not using color to convey meaning, and using headers in your documents to allow easier navigation. It is also very helpful to provide editable versions (instead of / in addition to) PDF as this much more easily allows others to remediate for accessiblity when needed.