All resources in Summer 2020 Training Team

Online debate

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This is 3-part lesson on the topic of downloading music. The first part is a station rotation blended learning, followed by a second lesson which uses a flipped approach, and the third lesson is an online debate where students debate the motion "should downloading music be illegal?". Students will debate in a public platform where they will be engaging members of the public on the issue, and hence, aspects of digital citizenship and responsibility is implicitly embedded in classroom discussions and materials. 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: york lim

Listening with Power (from Theory)

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Listening is the least emphasized mode of communication. As such, it deserves a more thorough treatment. Upon scanning the OER landscape to determine existing opportunities to learn about listening, it was discovered most are devoted to the practical skills of listening. However, much can be learned by learning about the theories and research of listening.Therefore, this module is intended to serve as either a stand-alone learning module on listening or a more advanced module that can be added to other more practically-oriented modules. This module introduces students to academic study of listening and treats listening as a thriving sub-discipline (of interpersonal communications) that can be explored from an academic perspective.It provides sufficient references and resources that can be examined more thoroughly and perhaps even built out into an entire course or mini-course on listening.Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:DEFINE listening using theoretical developments. (Bloom 1)CLASSIFY effective listening practices by affective, behavioral, or cognitive processes. (Bloom 2)USE theoretically-based listening practices to improve communication. (Bloom 3)DEVISE a personal listening strategy based upon theory. (Bloom 4)This module has eight sections: Overview, Engage, Explore, Explain, Evaluate, Elaborate, Express, and Extend.

Material Type: Module

Author: Paul Szwed

Influencing Stakeholders: Dealing with Power and Dynamics in Teams and Networks

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Engineers have unique skills that give them the potential to be highly competent business leaders. As leaders, engineers have clear advantages: they are analytical, technically skilled, project-based, good with numbers and well-used to problem-solving. However, engineers cannot rely on this skillset alone when exercising leadership in today’s world. Problems have to be solved within complex networks of stakeholders, each with their own dynamics, interests, perspectives and power. In this course you will learn how to develop and apply an additional mindset. You will learn about power and interests in networks of autonomous actors. You will gain experience in leading groups and learn to define roles and norms. You will learn how to deal with group dynamics such as conflict and cooperation and how to motivate group members to ensure successful group performance. This course helps you to answer questions such as: How should you deal with information asymmetry? How can you deal with resistance? How to build trust with stakeholders with different interests? We call this the influencing mindset – because you will have to operate in such a way, that your teams and stakeholders are motivated to support you. The content of the course is diverse and includes videos, real-world assignments and practical skills such as negotiation and dealing with group issues.

Material Type: Full Course

Authors: Gerdien de Vries, Prof.dr. Hans de Bruijn

Online Writing & Presentations

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While essays and research papers are likely the most common types of writing assignments you’ll receive in college, more and more, students are being expected to write in digital environments. In the 21st century, you’re likely to be asked to create a PowerPoint or Prezi to present the main points of your research paper, or you may be asked to create an electronic portfolio to share all of your work for a semester. Students in online classes will write discussion board posts every week, and some professors are even replacing some of your traditional essay assignments with assignments like photo essays or video essays.

Material Type: Module

OSPI Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Online Education Module

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The Social and Emotional Learning in Washington State Schools: Building Foundations and Strategies module is designed to be a part of the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction's (OSPI) professional learning constellation of topics. It can be used by Washington Educational Service Districts (ESD) and LEAs for administering clock hours. Clock hours are not available to individuals who take the course on their own. Intended Audience This module is designed for educators, administrators, school staff, others professionals and parents who interact with youth as a means to help them build and improve their understanding of social emotional skills. Structure of the Module This online module has been designed in six distinct learning segments. Learning Segment 1: Introduction to SEL Learning Segment 2: Embedding SEL Schoolwide Learning Segment 3: Creating a Professional Culture Based on SEL Learning Segment 4: Integrating SEL into Culturally Responsive Classrooms Learning Segment 5: Trauma Informed Social Emotional Learning Learning Segment 6: Identifying and Selecting Evidence-Based Programs Although the online module can be completed by an individual, the learning is significantly more impactful if it is done collectively by those who will be implementing SEL. Throughout the online module, suggestions on ways in which to engage in the learning in a group setting are provided. Completing the Module Registration on the OSPI Moodle is required to take the course. Cover image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Material Type: Full Course, Module

Author: Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Toolkit

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This is a list of resources to help promote diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts at schools and college. This curation of resources was first developed for the "Closing the Achievement" gap Professional Day held at Middlesex Community College's all-college Professional Day held in spring 2014. This resource is being updated by member's of Middlesex Community College of Massachusetts "Leading for Change" group which is associated with the Leading for Change Higher Education Diversity Consortium which is " a voluntary collaboration of higher education institutions in Massachusetts and New England committed to identifying student and employee diversity best practices through uniform and transparent use of data, institutional benchmarks and reflective practice."

Material Type: Assessment, Game, Homework/Assignment, Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Darcy Orellana, Peter Shea

National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)

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The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) is a national resource for gifted families and professionals, reaching every facet of gifted education in America. NAGC’s goal is to continue to make gifted learners a national priority. This resource is so in depth that it is recommended to set aside various times to explore all NAGC has to offer. In short, NAGC offers publications and current research findings, professional learning opportunities for educators and support personnel, advocacy opportunities, scholarships, and e-learning. There are three membership levels: Premier, Parent, and Student priced at $119.00, $59.00, and $59.00, respectively.  National association for gifted children  (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2020, from

Material Type: Reading

Author: Julie Cronin

To be Young, Gifted, and Multi-cultural

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This workshop attempts to merge fundamental issues of gifted education with those of multicultural education, from the perspective of the culturally diverse classroom/community to the global village. Participants will learn some of basics of differentiating for gifted students in both a mainstreamed and honors/gifted classroom. Participants will learn about the under-representation of minority students in gifted classes and honors programs, and study strategies for “closing the achievement gap.”

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lecture Notes, Lesson Plan

Author: Randall Vail

Social Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)

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Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) is a national resource for exclusively social-emotional support. Founded in 1981 following the suicide of a gifted student attending the University of Michigan, the late James T. Webb. Unique to other resources presented, SENG offers a mental health provider directory and local parent groups, Seng Model Parent Groups (SMFG), listed by state. Facilitators who run the SMFG meetings support and guide parents through discussion groups as they struggle to parent their complex children.Three membership options are available: $99.00/annually, $12.00/monthly, or $12.00 trial membership. Membership carries many perks, ranging from discount codes to online support groups and conferences and more, as well as free subscription to SENGVINE. Supporting emotional needs of the gifted. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2020, from

Material Type: Reading

Author: Julie Cronin