Group Information
Group Title
Thinking With Things
Group Description
This is a group of lessons and curricular resources to support and inspire "thinking with things" in higher education. All learners are "embodied" learners--thinking with their hands, their bodies, and their immediate environments, not just the contents of their skulls. Group creator Sarah Kuhn's book, "Transforming Learning Through Tangible Instruction: The Case for Thinking with Things," provides the "WHY" for a different approach to teaching. This resource bank assists with the "HOW." Welcome, and we hope you will help grow our community!
For more, see
Group's Subjects
- Math
- Language Arts
- Social Studies
- Science
- World Languages
- Computer Technology
- Career and Tech Ed
- Health and PE
- Creative Arts
- Special Education
- Educational Support
Group's Levels
- Community College / Lower Division
- College / Upper Division
- Graduate / Professional
- Career / Technical
- Adult Education
Group Type