
Anthropology Mini Lectures: A collective resource for online teaching in the time of COVID19

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This is a collection of mini lectures created by anthropologists and those in conversation with anthropology as supplimental material to assist college and university instructors who were made to shift their courses online because of COVID19.For more information, see here.To contribute, please create an OER author account and send your name and OER registered email to

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Homework/Assignment, Lecture, Lesson Plan, Reading, Syllabus, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Zoe Wool, Paige West, Chloe Ahmann, Laura Story Johnson, Kate Fischer, Maira Hayat, Kim de Rijke, Daniel Souleles, Devin Proctor, Rose Wellman, Emily Hammerl, Katrina Thompson, Rebecca Lester, Emily Yates-Doerr, Andrew Flachs, Rosalyn Bold, Noah Theriault, Jonathan Wald, Heikki Wilenius, Flosha Diliena Liyana Saran Arachchige Don, Sabra Thorner, Jonathan Padwe, Laura Ogden, Geir Henning Presterudstuen, Lauren Visconti, Brett Hill