Money flow and work force/ Pengestrøm og arbejdsstyrke
(View Complete Item Description)Part two in the series Paradise under Pressure/ Paradis under pres: There is good reason to invest in tourism in Zanzibar. In 2019, it was expected that over half a million tourists would visit the island, which is only half the size of Funen island in Denmark. Tourists bring in money and growth, but research shows that, for example, Zanzibarians only have 11% of managerial jobs in restaurants and only 20% of tourism revenue goes to the local community, while 53% disappear from the island. Danish: Der er god grund til at investere i turismen på Zanzibar. I 2019 forventede man, at over en halv million turister ville besøge øen, som kun er halvt så stor som Fyn. Turisterne bringer penge og vækst, men forskningen viser, at zanzibarianere for eksempel kun har 11% af lederjobs på restauranter og kun 20% af indtægterne fra turismen går til lokalsamfundet, imens hele 53% forsvinder væk fra øen.
Material Type: Case Study, Primary Source