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LLC Commons: Open Resources for Online Teaching in Slavic

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The LLC Commons (which stands for Language, Literature, Culture) is a collection of open materials and information focused on technology-enhanced teaching in Slavic languages and cultures. It includes a searchable repository of online materials for language teaching, a map with information about Slavic programs in the United States, and resource lists for online and hybrid teaching. The online lessons (generally for Russian language courses, but other languages and more for literature and culture will be added in the future) have been produced with the following principles in mind: interactivity, multimodality, modifiability, and portability. The modules are mostly interactive videos made using H5P, though there are also YouTube videos as well as other types of activities. The collection, with over 400 resources, continues to grow. Modules can be found through search, by topic, or by textbook, and can be embedded from the website or downloaded and modified by teachers if desired. The website is supported by CERCLL at the University of Arizona.

Material Type: Lesson, Module

Authors: Liudmila Klimanova, Shannon Donnally Spasova